

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:63次 大小:96768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021届新高考英语二轮复习题型混合练(5) 一、 I got married just after I graduated from college and found a job to support our family at the nearby Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It was in the laboratory of Prof. Edward Lorenz that I learned what a computer was and how to develop software. One day my husband saw a newspaper advertisement. The MIT Instrumentation Laboratory was looking for people to develop software to 搒end man to the moon. Deeply attracted both by the idea and the fact that it had never been done before, I became the first programmer to join and the first woman the lab hired. At the beginning, nobody thought software was such a big deal. But then they began to realize how much they were relying on it. Our software needed to be very reliable and able to detect an error and recover from it at any time during the mission. My daughter, Lauren, liked to imitate me—playing astronaut. One day, she was with me when I was doing a simulation (模拟) of a mission to the moon. She started hitting keys and all of a sudden, she selected a program which was supposed to be run before launch(发射). The computer had so little space that it wiped the navigation data taking her to the moon. I thought: my God—this could happen by accident in a real mission. I suggested a program change to prevent a prelaunch program being selected during flight. But the higher-ups at MIT and NASA said the astronauts were too well trained to make such a mistake. On the very next mission, Apollo 8, one of the astronauts on board accidentally did exactly what Lauren had done. The Lauren bug! It created destruction and required the mission to be rearranged. After that, they let me put the program change in. It was the program change that had a crucial influence on the success of the mission of Apollo 11. During the early days of Apollo, software was not taken as seriously as other engineering disciplines(学科). It was out of desperation I came up with the term “software engineering”. Then one day in a meeting, one of the most respected hardware experts explained to everyone that he agreed with me that the process of building software should also be considered an engineering discipline, just like with hardware. It was a memorable moment. 1.What do we know about the author? A.She taught Lauren to write software. B.She got her master抯 degree from MIT. C.She is the first woman ever hired by MIT. D.She created the term software engineering. 2.揟he Lauren bug in Para. 5 refers to燺_____. A.a pet to accompany Lauren B.a mission to land on the moon C.a mistake causing data loss D.a software ending prelaunch 3.What greatly contributed to Apollo 11抯 success according to the passage? A.The in-time upload of data. B.The program change. C.Astronauts rich experience. D.Experts new attitude. 4.What can we learn from Margaret抯 story? A.Honesty is the best policy. B.A good beginning is half done. C.Two heads are better than one. D.Chances favor the prepared mind. 二、 ... ...

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