
陕旅版六年级上册英语期末试题 图片版(无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:57次 大小:3257301Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年度第一学期期未质量检测 得分评卷人 六年级英语试题(卷) 四、单项选择(9分) I They had a football match December 21st 题号 四五六七八九|十|总分 A B she was 8 years old. She lost her dog. She was very sad 得分 ()2. A. W B How C. Where 学校 考生注意:本试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 ) 3. They told a story a poor girl A. about B. to 得分评卷人 )4.C a gift at the New Year's party. 英汉互译(5分) A. wins B win C won )5. On the day, they went shopping in Beijing 班级 A second B two C. twice 1. buy some gifts 去滑冰 )6. It's time to care Mother earth 3. go boating. 4.讲笑话 A. to B. at C. fo )7. The joke is very funny, it made all the students 5. get to the school gate 6.学英语 B laugh 考号 do you think of the story? -Its funn 7. have a rest 8.太阳镜 ()8 A. How B. What C. Where d 9. have a match 10.看望朋友 ()9 there a library in this city thirty years ago? B. Where 得分评卷人二选出下列每组单词划线部分发音不同的一项(10 得分评卷人 姓名 分) 五、选择正确的一项补全对话(12分) )1. Atea B. head me )2. A day B. pla C. bu A: Hello! Li Shan B. house C cloudy B 座位号 ) 3. A soup )4. A coat B. boat A )5. A weather B please C. meat B: We went there by plane 得分评卷人 三、选择正确的一项补全旬子。(10分) A: What did you do there? B 1. There were many (color/colorful)lights in our classroom B: Yes, of course. It was delicious (What/How) a poor girl 3. We shouldnt waste too (many/much) water. It's a bad habit B: Yes, we all had a great time 4 We (flew/fly) to Beijing last winter holiday. A. Did you eat any sea food? B. How did you go there 5. My scarf (was/is)on the bed just now (MX)六年级英语期末试题第1页(共4页) (MX)六年级英语期末试题第2页(共4页)

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