
外研版英语八年级上Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 Let‘s try to speak English as much as possible.A Life

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:77次 大小:2024217Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    阅读语篇教学设计 A Life in Paintings-The Frida Kahlo Story 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 获取梳理文中有关Frida Kahlo一生的事实性信息。 概括、整合、阐释Frida Kahlo 一生自强不息并激励他人的事件并学习其精神 推断Frida Kahlo作为一个女人在那个年代能够收到其他艺术家认可的优秀品质并举例论证; 以Frida Kahlo战胜自我和她的优秀品质为依据,举行模拟答记者问; 总结一个人的优秀品质,通过自身努力而实现自己的人生价值和社会价值,能为众人接受和认可的与众不同是值得尊重和学习的。 教学重点 通过阅读本篇章,能在Frida Kahlo身上学到她面对困难不放弃的优秀品质,培养学生问题解决思维,鼓励学生运用想象力、创造力等科学的精神和科学的方法去解决生活中的问题。 教学难点 生词众多,整合知识以表达思想会有重重困难。 教学资源 教材、多媒体、学案、黑板和粉笔 教学过程 步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式 Pre-reading Step1 Greetings : Talk about some famous artists’ paintings and ask their opinions about them.Do you know these paintings?2. What do you think of them? 从谈论著名画作入手引导学生关注文章的主旨,同时引导学生关注图片有助于理解文本。 2’ Step2 T asks students to look at the picture and answer the following questions.What information can you get from the pictures?’Students talk about the ideas about the pictures. Choose the main idea about the passage. 阅读图片进行读前预测。激活学生已有的有关解决问题的认知和思考。 2’ While reading Step3 1st reading1.Teacher asks students to choose the right structure of the passage. 引导学生关注文章的结构,对文体有一定的判断力。 2’ Step4Step5 2nd readingTeacher asks students to read and tell true or false. ___ 1. Frida spent 6 months in bed because of polio.___ 2. At 18, Kahlo was in a terrible train accident.___ 3. Although Kahlo got married, the marriage was troubled.___ 4. Kahlo’s paintings often show a broken woman in body. ___ 5. Kahlo chose to look different when traveling, but she always attracted attention.3rd readingTeacher asks students to read and complete the chart.Age 618Marriage47TragedyShe develop _____The illness damaged .She was in a _____She wore a _____ for months.She married _____.She was pregnant three times but none of the babies _____.DiedWays to deal with her problemsShe _____and _____._____ helped her get strongerShe entertained herself by _____.Her paintings show _____. 进一步梳理细节信息,理解Frida Kahlo的具体信息。通过讨论和追问的方式引导学生深入理解Frida Kahlo体现出的科学精神—面对困难能尝试解决,调节自己的情绪和情感。 5’IW&GW5’ Step6 4th reading.Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.1. Kahlo felt a lot of pain from her bad health, but she kept painting.2. Many girls didn’t play sports those days, but Kahlo began to play soccer and practice boxing.3. Her paintings tell people the sad events or situations and hope in her life .4. The other artists of that time start to accept her works and talents and thought highly of her. 通过进一步整合信息,引导学生深入理解重点词组和句型。 5’IW Step7 Teacher asks students to make a summary of the article according to the key words. ... ...

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