
Unit14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.SectionB(1a-1e)课件(32张PPT)+练习+音视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:74次 大小:77906862Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B1 (1a-1d)练习 一.完成下列词句。 1. (大学)学位;度数;程度n. ____ 2. 经理;经营者n. ____ 3. 取得一个商业学位 ____ 4. 成为一名经理 ____ 5. 信任某人 ____ 6. 举行聚会 ____ 7. —你希望将来做什么? —我希望取得一个商业学位并成为一名经理。 —What do you hope to do in the future? —I hope to ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. 8. 为了庆祝初中生活的结束,他们正在举行一个聚会。 To celebrate the end of junior high, they are ____ ____ ____. 二、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。 1. Mike is interested in history. He wants to get a history d_____ in the future. 2. Next Sunday is Tom's birthday. Can you tell me how to c_____ it? 3. Our city is b_____ more and more beautiful. 4. My classmates are very friendly. They a_____ the new boy soon. 5. My aunt is a writer. She has written more than ten books s_____ 1980. 三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The boy wants to be a _____ (manage) and has a lot of money. 2. We all received an _____ (invite)to her birthday party. 3. We hope to _____ (visit) our teacher next Sunday. Would you like to go with us? 4. My cousin is used to _____ (study) with his new friends in Australia. 5. The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2010,they have _____ (live) there for six years since then. 四、单项选择。 1. We want _____ a trip to Shanghai this summer vacation. A. take B. takes C. taking D. to take 2. Could you please give me some _____ on how to complete the work in such a short time? A. advice B. way C. idea D. time 3. My parents often ask me _____ too much time playing computer games. A. not to spend B. not spend C. to not spend D. don't to spend 4. —What are they doing in the classroom? —They are _____ a new TV play. A. talking to B. talking with C. talking back D. talking about 5. —How do you like your English teacher? —He is great. We _____ friends since three years ago. A. were B. have made C. have been D. have become 五、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 我希望有一天进入这个篮球俱乐部。 I hope to _____ _____ the basketball club one day. 2. 杨军在将来想成为一名歌星。 Yang Jun wants to be a singer _____ _____ _____. 3. 李斌是个诚实的男孩,我们应该信任他。 Li Bin is an honest boy. We should _____ _____ him. 4. 我正期待你的好消息。 I'm _____ _____ _____ your good news. 5. 你上初中后发生了哪些变化? _____ _____ _____ _____ since you started junior high school? 六. 补全对话。 根据对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个恰当的句子,使对话完整、连贯。 A: Three years has gone by. How time flies! B: Yes. 1 ? A: Sure. It was a pity that it was raining hard as we met on the first day. B: But you looked beautiful with an umbrella. A: Really? 2 . B: 3 ? A: Yes. I'm going back home in a week. B: 4 ? A: By air,of course. B: I hope you will have a good journey. 5 . A: OK. I will phone you as soon as I arrive home. 21. _____ 22. _____ 23. _____ 24. _____ 25. _____ 参考答案: 一、degree manager get a business degree become a manager believe in sb. have a part ... ...

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