
Unit4 What’s your favourite food? SectionB 课件+素材(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:56次 大小:8686444Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit4 What’s your favourite food? 鲁湘版三年级下册 Section B ~ Warm-up Listen and chant Presentation Let’s learn _____ rice a bag of Presentation Let’s learn _____ bread four pieces of Presentation Let’s learn _____ noodles two boxes of Presentation Let’s learn three pieces of _____ watermelons 英语名词有可数与不可数之分。可数名词可以直接在前面加上数词,词尾加-s,如:three eggs;也可以在前面加上量词,词尾加-s,如:five boxes of noodles。不可数名词的词尾不能加-s,但可以在前面加量词,如:a bag of rice。 Presentation Key points Practice _____ two watermelons _____ four eggs Look and say two boxes of apples _____ Practice _____ two bags of rice _____ four pieces of bread Look and say two boxes of milk _____ Presentation Look, listen and try 听课文录音,大声说出你听到了几种食物吧! Presentation Look, listen and try 小组合作,一起来练习Look, listen and try部分的对话,随后表演出来吧! Practice Write and talk Practice Work in plete the shopping list. Take turns to ask each other questions. Summary 1. 表示可数名词的数量: 2. 表示不可数名词的数量: two watermelons four eggs two boxes of apples two bags of rice four pieces of bread two boxes of milk Summary 如何询问某人最喜欢的食物是什么并做回答? —What’s your favourite food? —My favourite food is… Homework 1. 学唱本课Listen and chant部分的歌曲,并唱给你的父母听。 2. 预习Unit5 Section A的内容。

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