

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:77次 大小:202798Byte 来源:二一课件通
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广州教科版六年级上期末专项:句型(一) 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ 分数:_____ 一、看图回答问题。 1. How does the man often go to work? _____ Does your grandpa like reading newspapers? _____ What is the life like in the country, noisy or quiet? _____ What did the doctor do yesterday afternoon? _____ What's your favourite festival? _____ 6. What is the girl doing? _____ 问答配对。选择相应的答语,将序号写在括号内。 ( )1. What’s your favourite festival? A. It's a modern city. ( )2. What do people do at the Dragon Boat Festival? B. About 1000. ( )3. When is Halloween? C. They watch dragon boat races. ( )4. Did you watch the moon last night? D. The Spring Festival. ( )5. What did you do last week? E. It's in October. ( )6. What date was it yesterday? F. Children’s Day. ( )7. Do you like cartoons? G. Yes, we did. ( )8.what's the most important festival in China? H. I visited a farm. ( )9. How many students are there in your school? I. It was February 20th. ( )10. What's Guangzhou like? J. No, I don’t. ( )11. What do people do at the Mid-autumn Festival? K. Yes, I was. ( )12. Where are you from? L.I like the city. ( )13. Do you like the country life or the city life? M. I’m from China. ( )14. What is the matter with you? N. They watch the moon. ( )15. Were you a quiet girl before? O. I feel sick 三、按实际情況回答问题。 What did you do during the Mid-autumn Festival? _____ Where is your English teacher from? _____ Do you like Christmas or the Spring Festival? _____ What is your favourite season? _____ What did you do last Spring Festival? _____ What's your city/country like? _____ 四、仿照示例,改写下列句子。 示例: Ben goes to the park on Sunday. (last Sunday, next Sunday) Ben went to the park last Sunday. Ben is going to the park next Sunday. 1. We have a party with friends on May Day. (last May Day, next May Day) _____ _____ 2. Ben lives in Guangzhou now. (two years ago, next year) _____ _____ 3. I'm a tall boy now. (two years ago, next year) _____ _____ 期末专项?句型(二) 一、按际情况回答问题。 Do you like country life? Why? _____ What's your favourite season? _____ Were you short and thin when you were five? _____ What was your fathers job five years ago? _____ How long does it take you to get to school? _____ 6.What did you do last weekend? _____ Did you go to New York last year? _____ How did you go to school yesterday? _____ When is the Spring Festival? _____ How to stay healthy? _____ Was your hair long when you were a baby? _____ Do people give each other presents at Christmas? _____ Where did you go last summer holiday? _____ Were you at home yesterday? _____ Where do you live? _____ (一) 1. What's the matter with you? A.Because I couldn’t sleep. 2. Why are you so tired? B. I went to Yuexiu Park. 3.What did you do yesterday? C. I feel ill. 4. Where did you go last weekend? D. I read some books. 5.How did you go to Sanya last holiday? E. By plane. (二) 1.What’s Ben doing? A. I'm from Shenzhen. 2. What did the doctor ask? B. He asked me to drink ... ...

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