

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:66次 大小:5600537Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2021届高考英语二轮复习听力短对话精准练 (6)人物与事件 1. What will the woman do? A. Go swimming. B. See a doctor. C. Lift weights. 2.What happened to Mr. brown? A. He forgot to the meeting B. He arrived late C. He lost his way. 3.What does the woman say about the meeting? A. It will begin as scheduled. B. It is brought forward. C. It has been canceled. 4.What’s the woman’s problem? A. She locked herself in the apartment. B. She forgot to change her lock. C. She couldn’t find her keys. 5.What does the woman want to do? A. Rent a car. B. Get a license. C. Change a card. 6.What will the woman do? A. Go to an exhibition. B. Hold an exhibition. C. Move to Beijing. 7.What will Lisa do this Saturday? A. Go shopping. B. Visit her parents. C. Have dinner with Jack. 8.What’s the man going to do? A. Read a book. B. Write a novel. C. Borrow a book. 9.What will the woman do? A. Make a call. B. Go to the park. C. Go out for dinner. 10.What is the man most probably doing? A. Having a job interview. B. Applying for a college. C. Visiting sick kids. 11.What is the man speaker going to do on Sunday? A. Visit his mother. B. Do some gardening. C. Move into a new house. 12.What will the man do next? A.Go to Mr Black’ s office B.Go to see a customer C.Start writing his report 13.What has the man been doing recently? A.Traveling in Sanya B.Playing football C.Sitting in the sun 参考答案 1.答案:A 2.答案:B 3.答案:A 4.答案:C 5.答案:A 6.答案:A 解析: M: Mary, what are you excited about? W: I'm going to the computer exhibition in Beijing. It’s one of the biggest technology shows in the world! M: Cool! Technology is changing very fast. 7.答案:B 8.答案:A 解析: W: What are you going to do today? It looks like rain, so you might want to take your umbrella if you are going out. M: I'm not going out. I'm going to stay at home to finish the novel I borrowed from the library. 9.答案:B 解析: M: If you'd like to go out for dinner, I'll phone the restaurant. W: Thank you, but I have promised my sister that I will take her to the park. 10.答案:A 解析: W: Did you have any working experience during college? M: Yes, I did some part-time jobs such as tourist guide and salesman. Besides, I worked as a volunteer to visit sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. 11.答案:B 解析: W : My husband and I are going to visit his mother on Sunday. She just moved into a new house. How about you? M : I'm going to work in my garden since the weather is nice. 12.答案:A 解析: W: Ted, where have you been? Mr Black needs your report now. M: I went to see a customer in the conference room. W: Explain that to Mr Black. He’s still waiting for you in his office. M: I’ll go immediately. 13.答案:B 解析: W: Have you been to Sanya recently? You’re much darker than before. M: I’ve been playing football in the sun these days.

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