

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:99次 大小:5280964Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2021届高考英语二轮复习听力短对话精准练 (7)请求建议 1. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Wait until tomorrow. B. Learn to do the copying. C. Use her computer. 2.What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Ask for help. B. Buy a new toy. C. Follow the instructions. 3.What does the woman suggest? A. They start talking regularly on the phone. B. They send messages asking for people's opinions. C. They rename the phone to reflect what it's used for. 4. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Leave the place quickly. B. Accept things as they are. C. Change the environment. 5.What does the man suggest doing first tonight? A. Playing tennis. B. Seeing a movie. C. Having a big dinner. 6.What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Consult a career coach. B. Work as a firefighter. C. Give some assistance 7.What does the woman suggest? A. Buying a computer. B. Hiring an assistant. C. Starting a business. 8.What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Make more copies. B. Call the technician. C. Continue his presentation. 9.What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Go to France. B. Give up the program. C. Take three months off. 10.What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Get a taxi. B. Work overnight. C. Wait a little longer. 11.What does the man suggest that the woman do? A. Apologize to Donna. B. Ask Donna directly. C. Excuse Donna’s behavior. 12.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Avoid chocolate. B.Try the carrot soup. C.Have the chicken sandwich. 参考答案 1.答案:B 2.答案:C 解析:W: I simply can't put this toy car together in a proper way. David, can you help me? M: If you follow the instructions step by step, you'll find it easier. 3.答案:C 解析: M: I was thinking the other idea that no one really talks on their phone anymore. We use them to send messages or pictures or emails. W: It’s a good point. Maybe we should stop calling it a phone and call it something else. 4.答案:B 解析:M: I'll do anything as long as it means getting out of here. W: Well, I don't think changing your environment will make things better. You should learn to be content with the place where you are first. 5.答案:C 解析:W: What are you going to do tonight? How about going to the movies? There's one that starts at 7 pm. M: Good. I'm going to play tennis this afternoon but I will be home by 4 pm. Then we can go out for a big dinner before seeing the movie. 6.答案:A 解析:W: What is your dream job? M: I think I'd like to work as a firefighter but I am a bit confused about the right direction to take in my career. W: well, why don 't you get some assistance from a career coach? It always helps to talk things through. 7.答案:B 解析:M: I think we should replace that old computer. W: Em, the old computer. Why not get an assistant too? Our business is growing fast. 8.答案:C 解析:M: This copy machine broke down again! I'm worried because I need to make copies for my presentation tomorrow morning. W: Don't worry. Why don't you keep preparing for your presenta ... ...

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