
浙江江山市锦绣江山外国语学校 2020-2021学年第一学期 1月份质量检测 九年级英语卷(PDF扫描版,无答案,无听力材料及音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:84次 大小:901165Byte 来源:二一课件通
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★机密·启用 领江省锦绣江山外国语学校 命题人 审核人 命题时间:202012-29 锦外2020学年第一学期1月份质量检测试题卷 had bccome the hcart of the film industry(工业)by( 1¥ A westem 九年级英语 考生须知 1.试卷共有四大题,35小题。全卷满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟 2.答蒙必须做在相应的答题卷位置上,做在试题卷上无效 煴馨提示:请伃审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!祝你成功! 完形填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 听力(本大题共15小题,15小题每题1分 小题每题2分,共25分。) Many years Holland. there lived a 第一节:听小对话,从ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答间题,对话仅读遍 cars old One_16_day, Hans went across the reservoir(k 4f) d man. He gave the man )I. What will they d biscuits and stayed there for a while. Then, Hans decided to A, pley baseb C. Play basketball iThe water in the reservo 2. What invention are they talking about ay home, Hans sang a song, watched the rabbits run around and picked some flowers for his mother C. The compute the sky got dark and heavy rain began to fall, Hans felt afraid he )3. What does the woman think of e books heard the sound of water running He look dam(水坝) C. To Germa ed by water, Hans knew what to do. He put Hans waited and waite 答第6-7两小题 The next morning, a farmer walked by and heard Hans'cries. I am trying to stop the )6. How many short stories are there in the Can you help me? "The farmer called some other people and they quickly_ 29 the hole. Then, they took pensive 17.A. B. find D. draw 听下面一段较长对话回答第8-10两小题 ()8 going to do thi B. kind Watch a ty shot C. Watch a game .0.A. Surely BBBBB C. Finally B. For nine years 21. A jum 22.A made B. noticed C. dug A B. To encourage people to make money 23.A. because C. before 24.A 第三节,听独白,从ABC三个选项中选择最佳选 答第11-15小题,独乌读两遍 D. b t was the idea of h j whitely who was bom 28. A. rabl minutes BBBB DDD (14) film made totally in Hollywood 1月质盘检测 第 页 年级英语试卷

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