
北师大版 高一下册 模块4 Unit 12 Culture Shock 课件(8份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:57次 大小:12791296Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 12 Culture Shock 点点释疑·把课文读懂 谢谢观看! 高考赘源网 高考资源 边的高考专家!】(课件网) Unit 12 Culture Shock 基础认知·自主预习 核心突破·互动探究 课时自测·当堂达标 Ⅰ.单词拼写/单句语法填空 1.I think WeChat offers us opportunities to make more friends and (交换)learning experience with others. 答案: exchange 2.She once made a (短暂的) appearance on television. 答案: brief 3.Students’ (期望) were as varied as their expertise. 答案: expectations 4.At the time,what he’d done had seemed (合理的). 答案: reasonable 5.It is usual to (给小费) waiters,porters,guides and drivers. 答案: tip 6.They exchanged visiting cards each other. 答案: with 7.I didn’t have time to get (change) before the party. 答案: changed 8.She was used to (have) her orders instantly obeyed. 答案: having 9.I expect you (be) here from nine to five at the very least. 答案: to be 10.The accident resulted the death of two passengers. 答案: in Ⅲ.单句写作 1.How I wish I ,but I was too busy. 我要是去车站送她就好了,但我太忙了。 答案: had seen her off at the station 2.He is bound to . 他的恶行一定会受到惩罚。 答案: get punished for his bad deeds 3.It happened that I when he came. 他来时,我正巧忙着写信。 答案: was busy writing a letter 4.You will soon on electric typewriters. 你很快就会习惯在电动打字机上打字。 答案: get used to typing 5. our best,we lost the game. 虽然我们已经尽力了,但还是输了比赛。 答案: Even if/though we all tried 谢谢观看!(课件网) Unit 12 Culture Shock 基础认知·自主预习 核心突破·互动探究 课时自测·当堂达标 Ⅰ.单词拼写/单句语法填空 1.Vietnam made an official (请求)that the meeting be postponed. 答案: request 2.I can say,with absolute truthfulness,that I did not (伤害)her. 答案: injure 3.His (礼貌)had always made her blind to his faults. 答案: manners 4.Tamara at him in disbelief,shaking her head. 答案: stared 5.You’ll have to or he’ll hear you. 答案: whisper 6.He touched me with his finger, (whisper) to me in my ear,“The teacher is coming.” 答案: whispering 7.You often go abroad;see to that you always carry your passport. 答案: it 8.Don’t worry.The (injure) were taken to the hospital.And now the doctors are performing operations on them. 答案: injured 9.His advice kept me from (make) a serious mistake. 答案: making 10.Most parents have difficulty in (communicate) with their children. 答案: communicating Ⅲ.单句写作 1.I I heard a drowning boy crying for help. 当我正沿着河边走时,突然听到一个溺水儿童的呼救。 答案: was walking along the river when 2.I an unexpected visitor came. 我正要出门时,一位不速之客来访了。 答案: was about to go out when 3. ,please bring your wife along. 下次再来时带您的妻子一起来。 答案: Next time you come 4.The man those fighting dogs apart. 那人费了很大劲 ... ...

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