
2021届高考二轮复习英语句法增分精练:23 复合句之比较状语从句 Word版含解析

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:39次 大小:31084Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021年高考二轮复习英语句法知识查漏补缺增分练23 复合句之比较状语从句 1.It is generally believed that teaching is _____ it is a science. A.an art much as B.much an art as C.as an art much as D.as much an art as 2.The purpose of the research project has a more different meaning for them than _____. A.that for us B.it has for us C.it did for us D.it did for ours 3.What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is _____ it is long. A.not half as wide as B.half not as wide as C.wide not as half D.as wide as not half 4.“What are you doing?” Bruno asked in _____, although he wasn't happy to come home and find someone going through his possessions. A.as a polite tone as he could muster B.as polite a tone as he could muster C.as polite as a tone he could muster D.a tone polite as he could muster 5.As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn, _____. A.the more equipped for life you are B.the more for life you are equipped C.the more life you are equipped for D.you are equipped the more for life 6.After class she would sit down by the desk, sometimes for two hours, thinking of students’ situations in class. A.as long as B.as far as C.as much as D.as many as 7.As a matter of fact, getting rid of a bad habit is _____forming a good one. A.an effort much as B.much an effort as C.as an effort much as D.as much an effort as 8.———The dish is delicious! ———Well, at least it’s _____ the one I cooked yesterday. A.as good as B.worse than C.as well as D.as bad as 9.–These oranges are only a dollar eighty-nine a pound. --Well, they are _____than the others, but they don’t look _____good. A.prettier; very B.cheaper; as C.better; to D.more expensive; so 10.Though Alice is busy, music has always been _____her work. A.as much a part of her life as B.as a part of her life much as C.as much as a part of her life D.so much as a part of her life 11._____she is not so cheerful_____she used to be? A.How it is that;as B.How is it that;as C.Is it why;that D.Why is it that;what 12.—What do you think of the concert? —I really enjoy it. I didn’t expect it was ____ wonderful. A.as B.more C.most D.very 13.Our neighbor has _____ ours. A.as a big house B.as big a house as C.the same big house D.a house the same big as 14. --Can Li Hua help me with my English? --I regret to tell you her English is _____ yours. A.as good as B.no more than C.no better than D.as much as 15.In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than _____. A.that used to be B.it is used to C.it was used to D.it used to be 16.I hope that my father will quit smoking because I want him to live_____ my grandpa does. A.as a long and healthy life as B.as long and healthy a life as C.such long and healthy a life as D.so long and healthy a life as 17.When it comes to a foreign language, he is not _____ quick a learner as his brother. A.very B.too C.so D.rather 18.Tom and Jack are both very clever. _____, Tom is _____ Jack. A.All in all, as a clever boy ... ...

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