

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:53次 大小:40756Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    初三寒假综合复习系列之一 情景交际(答案版) 1.谈论天气(Talking about weather) ★A: What is the weather like? /How is the weather? (今天天气怎么样) B: It's sunny. (今天阳光明媚) A: Let's play football. (让我们一起去踢足球吧) B: That's a good idea. / That sounds good. (这真是个好主意) ★A: What bad weather it is! (天气真差) B: It's said that it will get even worse later.(天气预报说天气一会儿还会更差) 2.提供帮助(Offering help) A:Can l help you? (请问有什么可以帮您吗? ) B: That's very kind/nice of you, but I can manage it myself. (你真好,不过我自己来就可以了。) 3.打电话(Making telephone calls ) ★A: May I speak to Mary? (我可以跟玛丽通话吗?) B: Hello! This is Mary speaking. (你好,我是玛丽。) ★A: Hello! Could I speak to Ann? (你好!我可以跟安娜通话吗) B: Hold on, please. Ann, you are wanted on the phone. (请等一下。安娜,有人打电话找你。) C: I’m coming, Thanks. (我来了,谢谢。) 4.就餐(Having meals) ★A: Would you like something to drink? (你想喝点什么吗?) B: Yes, I'd like a drink. (是的,我想要个饮料) A: Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? (咖啡和茶你更想要哪个? ) B: I prefer coffee to tea. (我更想要咖啡) ★A: Is there a table for 4, please? (这里有四人桌吗? ) B: This way, please. Is the one near the window, 0OK? (这边请, 靠窗的那个位置行吗? ) ★A: May I take your order, sir? (先生请问我能为您点单吗? ) B: Yes, I'd like a medium bowl of beef and potato noodles. (可以。我想要一份中碗的土豆牛肉面。) 5.就医(Seeing the doctor) A: What's wrong with you? / What's the matter with you? (你怎么啦? ) B: I have a headache. (我头疼) A: How long have you been like this? (你这样多久了? ) B: For one day. (一天了。) A: How are you feeling now? (你现在感觉怎么样? ) B: Even worse. I have a runny nose now. (更糟了,我开始流鼻涕了。) A: Take it easy./ Don't worry. It's a bit of a cold. Take the medicine three times a day. Drink lots of water and have a good rest. You'll be all right / well soon. (别担心,你只是感冒了。一天吃三次这个药,多喝点水好好休息,你很快就会好的。) B: I hope so. Thank you. I'll do it as you told me. (我也希望如此,谢谢你,我会照你说的做的。) 6.购物(Shopping) A: Can I help you? (请问有什么可以帮您吗?) B: I'm looking for a pair of shoes. (我想找-双鞋) A: What size do you want? (你穿几号? ) B: Size 37. (37号。) A: How much is it? How much does it cost/How much is it worth? (这双多少钱? ) B: 100 yuan. A: May I try them on? (我可以试穿一下吗?) B: Sure. (当然可以。) A: Well. It fits me quite well. I'll take it, here's the money.(很好,这双鞋很适合我,我要买它,给你钱。) B: Thank you. (谢谢你。) 7.感谢(Thanks) A: Thank you for helping me. (谢谢你帮助我) B: It's my pleasure./You're welcome. /That's all right. (这是我的荣幸。/你太客气了。) 8.问路(Asking the way) A: Where is the post office? (请问邮局在哪里?) B: It's over there. (在那里。) A: How far is it from here? (从这里过去有多远? ) B: It's about 400 meters from here.(大概400米。) 9.祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations) ★A: Merry Christmas. (圣诞快乐) B: The same to you. (也祝你圣诞快乐。 ... ...

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