
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A (1a-2c)课件(共34张PPT)+教案+课后练习+音视频

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:19010841Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教新目标版 七年级下 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? SectionA 1a-2c 听说课 Lead in Let’s enjoy a song! Can you sing? A:What's this? B:It's the guitar(吉他). Can you know him? /gi’ta:/ He is a famous(有名的) actor. Do you know him? What's he doing? He is dancing. dance /d?ns/ 跳舞 vt. dancer 舞者 n. She can sing(唱歌). /si? / sing 唱歌 v. singer 歌手 n. eg: She is a singer. She can draw(画画). / dr?: / Do you like swimming? / swim / 游泳 They can play chess. /t?es / 象棋 play chess 下象棋 speak English 讲英语 She can play the drum. /drΛm/ 鼓 play the drum 打鼓/敲鼓 1a What can these people do? Match the activities with the people. sing ____ swim ____ dance ___ draw ___ play chess ___ 6. speak English ___ 7. play the guitar ___ g c b d a f e Guess what you can do. I can dance. I can swim. I can play the guitar. Guessing Guess what you can do. I can sing. I can draw. I can play chess. Guessing A: Can you swim? B: No, I can’t. A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you draw? A: Yes, I can. A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can. 1 2 3 1b Listen and number the conversations. Can you sing? No, I can’t. Can you dance? No, I can’t. Yes, I can. I want to join the music club. Can you play the guitar? Pair work 1c Practice the conversations above in 1b with your partner. A:What club do you want to join? B:I want to join the art club. A: Can you draw ? B: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. Language points 一、 play +球、棋...... e.g. 1. play basketball(打篮球) 2. play chess(下棋) 二、 play +the 乐器 e.g. 1. play the guitar(弹吉他) 2. play the piano(弹钢琴) 三、 speak English 说英语 speak 意思是“说话”着重说的动作,是不及物动词;也作“演说”解,此外可作及物动词用,接语言等词。 e.g. 1. Do you speak English? 你说英语吗? 2. 打电话时,习惯用speak; 不用talk。 Can I speak to Mary, please? 请找玛丽说话好吗? 3.speak短语 ①speak in 用……交谈 ②speak in English 用英语讲话 ③speak of 谈及 …… ④speak ill of 说……坏话 ⑤speak well of 说……好话 ⑥speak to 与……谈话 四、 情态动词can 的用法 can 意为“能够”这里用来谈论人的能力。 否定形式:can’t = can not 不能够 can 是个情态动词,不能独立存在,必须与动词原形构成句子的谓语。 can 没有人称和数的变化。例如: I can speak English well. 我能讲英语很好。 Jack can swim, but I can’t. 杰克会游泳但我不会。 She can’t play chess. 她不会下棋 。 五、 I want to join the art club. 我想参加美术社团。 club 表示“俱乐部”或“社团”。在英、美等国中小学校会组织各类俱乐部来提高学生的兴趣及才能,丰富他们的文化生活。相当于我国中小学校中 的“兴趣小组”。 六、join 表示“参加;加入” 此处指加入社团或组织,成为其中的成员。 e.g. ①join the army 参军 ②join the Young Pioneer 加入少先队 ③join the NBA 加入美国的全国篮球协会 七、俱乐部名称的写法: the swimming club the dancing club the singing club the music club the art club the English club the chess club the sports club the basketball/tennis/golf club join Listen to these two conversations and circle t ... ...

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