
Unit 6 Caring for your health Period 1 ReadingⅠ(课件42张PPT+教案+导学案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:48次 大小:39217175Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版英语九年级下册Unit 6 Caring for your health Period 1 Reading I教学设计 课题 Unit 6 Period 1 单元 Unit 6 学科 English 年级 9 学习目标 Language knowledgelifestyle; quarrel; peer; pressure; risk; concert; musical instrument; enemy; eyesight; dentist; recovery; conduct; focus; guard; cancel; force; cheer; positive; bright; private; silent; regular; low; whether;deal with; guard against; cancel out; look on the bright side; take up; (be) busy with; leave … behind; cheer … up.Language skillsbe able to guess the meaning of words according to pictures or context, and exercise specific image thinking.usage of key words.analysis of simple sentence structure.Learning strategiesTraining method.Emotional attitudeExpress one’s own opinion about how to lead a balanced life. 重点 usage of key words. 难点 usage of key words; analysis of simple sentence structure. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Step 1. Lead-inRead the new words.Watch the video. 读单词,看视频。 为接下来的阅读活动扫清识词障碍。 讲授新课 Step 1. Pre-readingWhat can cause stress? Match the words in the box with the pictures below. Write the correct words in the blanks.In pairs, discuss the following questions.Look at the title and the sub-headings of the online article on page 83.Then tick (√ )the ways to deal with stress which are probably mentioned in the article.Step 2. While-readingListen, read and understand.How to lead a balanced lifeLanguage points.1. Many students suffer from stress in their daily lives. suffer from: 遭受…Translate: 许多学生考试怯阵。2. They are under stress because their lives are not balanced.be under stress: 处于压力之下Translate: 银行正在承受压力。3. They focus too much on studying, dealing with peer pressure and worrying about what others think, and not enough on other things.focus on: 关注,聚焦于 deal with: 处理 worry about: 担心Translate: (1) 不要总是关注事物的阴暗面。 (2) 我们必须采取积极步骤处理这个问题。 (3)为孩子操心是很自然的。4. You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health.aware: a.意识到的 be aware: 发觉;觉得;省;注意到Translate: 我们充分意识到危险。5. You need to begin to guard against stress from a young age.guard against: 提防;防范Translate: 我们必须警惕暗藏的敌人。6. One way to cancel out stress is through positive thinking.cancel out: 抵消;取消positive thinking: 积极思考 negative thinking: 消极思考Translate: 他的缺点抵消掉了他的优点。7. Force yourself to take a break from your studies and worries…take a break: 休息一下Translate: 休息一会儿,做些别的事情。8. When you are busy with a hobby, you leave all your worries behind.be busy with: 忙于 leave … behind: 把…抛在后面Translate: (1) 凯特正忙着做家庭作业。 (2) 他身体不适,因此我们只好把他留下。9. Take care of your bodyCompare: take care of & look after & care for照看小孩老人、病人或物品用take care of,英国尤用look after;在较正式用语中,照看或照顾某人亦可用care for;但care for较常用于表示喜欢。Translate: 他完全能够自理。10 ... ...

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