
Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.单元测评卷(含听力音频+听力书面材料+答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:83次 大小:6489525Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 单元测评卷 (时间90分钟 总分120分) Ⅰ. 听力(20分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其相符的图片。(5分) (  )1. (  )2. (  )3. (  )4. (  )5. (Ⅱ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) (  )6. A. Yes. Very often. B. No. He sends e-mails to them now. C. He used to post letters every day. (  )7. A. In a department store. B. At the bookstore. C. In the park. (  )8. A. At 6: 30.    B. At 6: 40.    C. At 6: 20. (  )9. A. She’ll stay at home for about a week. B. She’s been back for about a week. C. She’ll be out for about a week. (  )10. A. She’s wearing a red skirt. B. She’s leaving England. C. Next week, she is going to England. (Ⅲ)录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 听第一段对话, 回答第11、12小题。 (  )11. Did Mary go to the party? A. Yes, she did.    B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know. (  )12. Who came back to look after Mary’s mother? A. Her sister.   B. Her friends.   C. Her father. 听第二段对话, 回答第13~15小题。 (  )13. Mary is _____. ? A. watching TV  B. reading today’s newspaper C. listening to music (  )14. Jack will return the video player_____. ? A. at the end of the week   B. next week C. at the end of the month (  )15. Mary doesn’t want Jack to have her CDs, does she? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. (Ⅳ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) (  )16. What is the passage mainly about? A. Friends.    B. Music and moods. C. Feelings. (  )17. Can music affect our moods according to the passage? A. Yes, it can.   B. No, it can’t.   C. Never. (  )18. What music does the writer like? A. Rock music. B. Soft music. C. Classical music. (  )19. Why does the writer like that kind of music? A. Because it makes him happy. B. Because it makes him sad. C. Because it makes him calm and relaxed. (  )20. What music should we listen to if we are angry? A. Rock music.   B. Soft music.   C. Jazz. Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分) (  )21. —What kind of music do you like? —These days I_____pop music. ? A. prefer   B. offer   C. suffer   D. discover (  )22.—What are you looking for? —I’m looking for the storybook _____you lent to me last week. A. who B. which C. when (  )23. —I hear that Lucy’s uncle is a worker here. —Yes. Look! The man _____is working over there is her uncle. ? A. whom B. who C. what D. which (  )24. All the guests were full of_____for the service they received in the hotel. ? A. attention B. courage C. praise D. energy (  )25. She received a letter along _____a flower from her friend. ? A. to    B. from C. with  D. for (  )26. The water was _____for several hours while the workers repaired the pipes(管道). ? A. taken off      B. shut off C. set off     D. got off (  )27. _____ his partner _____he has been to Paris, so they know Paris well. A. Neither; nor  B. Not only; but also C. Either; or    D. B ... ...

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