
新概念二册课件Lesson 91 Three men in a basket (共18张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:39次 大小:6542716Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Pepper Lesson 91 Three men in a basket Daily Proverb If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 要走得快,就一个人走;要走得远,就一起走。 New Words 01 royal adj. 皇家的、皇室的 the Royal Navy 英国皇家海军 adj. 王的、王室的、女王的 王宫 a royal palace 王权 royal power 极好的、极佳的 尽欢,玩得极为愉快 have a royal time spy v. 侦察 侦察某事物 spy on sth = spy upon sth = spy into sth 警方正在监视那团伙的动静。 The police have been spying on the gang’s movements. 我发现有人正在走上斜坡。 发现某人正在做某事 spy sb doing sth I spied someone coming up the slope. n. 间谍、密探、情报员 他由于是工业间谍被捕了。 He was arrested as an industrial spy. track n.(人、动物、车等的) 轨迹,踪迹 tire tracks 轮胎痕迹 n.(人、动物等踏成的) 小径、小道 一条小路穿过了小树林。 A track runs through the grove. n. 路线、航线 暴风雨的线路 the track of the storm n. 惯例、常规 循规蹈矩 keep to the beaten track 打破常规 go off the beaten track n.铁轨、轨道 单轨 a single track Grammar 02 反意疑问句 1. 反意疑问句的形式 肯定陈述句+否定反意疑问句 This pencil is red, isn't it? 否定陈述句+肯定反意疑问句 This pencil isn't red, is it? 2. 反意疑问句的用法 There aren't a lot of flowers in the garden in winter, are there? There existed different opinions on this issue, didn't there? 当陈述部分是there存在句时,反意疑问部分的主语用there。 I am a student, aren't I? 当陈述部分是I'm...结构时,反意疑问部分一般用aren't I。 You told me (that)I had passed the exam, He says that everybody in our class will attend the meeting, didn't you? doesn't he? I believe(that)it is going to rain, I don't think (that)be will come, isn't it? will he? 当陈述部分主语是第一人称时,对从句进行反义疑问。 当陈述部分主语是第二或三人称时,对主句进行反义疑问。 You can hardly believe what he said, There is little ink in the bottle, can you? is there? 当陈述部分带有、never, nothing, nowthere, seldom, hardly, rarely, few, little 等否定词或半否定词时,反意疑问部分的动词用肯定形式。 He is impolite to the teacher, isn't he? 当陈述部分的谓语动词是带有un-,in-,dis-等否定前缀的动词,则仍然把陈述部分看作肯定句,那么反意疑问部分用否定形式。 You must do it by yourself, You must see him tonight, mustn't you? needn't you? 当must表示“命令或强制”时,反意疑问部分用mustn't。 当must表示“有必要”时,反意疑问句用needn't He must be crazy to do so, She must have been there for a long time, They must have stayed at home last might, isn't he? hasn't she? didn't they? 当must表示“一定”或“想必”等推测意义时,反意疑问部分不用mustn't,而根据must后的动词形式而定。 Don't be too late, Close the door, Let's have a party tonight, Let us have a look at you pictures, will you? won't you? will you? shall we? will you? 当陈述部分是祈使句时,反意疑问部分一般用will you 当陈述部分是以Let's开头的祈使句时,反意疑问部分用shall we;若是以Let us 开头的祈使句,反意疑问部分则用will you。 Text Understanding 03 A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. notice n.通知,通告 另行通知 furth ... ...

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