
【寒假冬令营】二年级英语通用版趣味思维导图 Lesson2课件(32张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:14次 大小:5581223Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 寒假冬令营 基于绘本 思维导图系列 通用版 二年级 Thinking Map Adventure Lesson2 Quick Response Question! Answer! Circle Map (圆圈图) Double Bubble Map (双重气泡图) Tree Map (树状图) Bubble Map (气泡图) Quiz: 1. Which one is the Double Bubble Map? A. C. B. Quiz: 2. Which map can be used for defining(定义)? A. C. B. Quiz: 3. The main topic of this thinking map is ____. Quiz: 4. This thinking map is comparing ____ with ____. Quiz: 5. Which map can be used for classifying(分类)? A. C. B. Quiz: 6. Which map can be used for comparing(比较)? A. C. B. The adventure goes on! Flow Map(流程图) ?Flow Map is used for sequencing and ordering. Flow Map用于描述事件的发展顺序。 To learn numbers To learn life cycles We can use it … 《Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See》 Have a try: Use Flow Map to describe“How to make a fruit salad”. Multi-flow Map(多重流程图/因果关系图) ?Multi-flow Map is used for causes and effects. ?Multi-flow Map用于描述一个事情的因果关系。 《David goes to School 》 Have a try:Use Multi-flow Map to describe the event “Messy bedroom”. Messy Bedroom Brace Map(括号图) ?Brace Map is for analyzing whole objects and parts. Brace Map用于强调整体和部分的关系。 Brace Map for a snowman Brace Map for a plant Have a try:Use Brace Map to analyze the clown’s face. Bridge map(桥状图) ? Bridge Map is for?seeing analogies--relating factors.(类比) 用来描述事物之间的相关性. Relating Factor: … is the color of… RF Red is the color of a rose AS yellow is the color of the sun AS green is the color of grass. Quiz:What is the relating factor of this Bridge Map? RF: is the opposite of (反义词) Have a try:Try to make a Bridge Map by yourself. I point,you say Thank you! 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Basic Information Topic Thinking Map Adventure Text Type Dialogue Teaching Analysis Aims Ss get to know eight types of thinking maps. Ss will be able to use the thinking maps. Difficulties The differences between the maps. Activities 1.Quiz. 2. Have a try. Teaching Procedure Pre-task Teacher Activities Student Activities Purpose Quiz for the last lesson. Ss answer the questions and review. To review. While-task Thinking Map adventure goes on! Let’s talk about Flow Map. Flow Map is used for sequencing and ordering. It is made up of many boxes and arrows. We can use it to learn numbers and life cycles. We can also use it to read stories. Do you know this book? In this book, Brown Bear sees many things. Flow map can help put these things in order. Have a try:Use Flow Map to describe “How to make a fruit salad”. Multi-flow Map looks like flow map’s brother. But they are different. Multi-flow Map is used for causes and effects. The left boxes show the cause. The middle bo ... ...

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