

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:41298Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【鼓楼区英语】2020 九上期末考试试卷 一、听力部分(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 略 二、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 21. Jenny feels stressed because her parents want her to do something that goes her ability. A. over B. across C. beyond D. through 22. -- I enjoyed the play of the New Year’s Art Festival. -- Me too, one student forgot his words on the stage. A. because B. though C. while D. unless 23. Just now a truck was out of and crashed into a bus. Luckily, no one got hurt. A. Oil B. check C. control D. work 24. -- Zoe’s birthday is coming. Where can I find a gift shop? -- Oh, I know not far from our school. A. This B. that C. it D. one 25. -- My cousin has decided to give up his well-paid job and go back to his hometown to run a pig farm. -- What? His decision sounds completely insane to me. The word “insane” in the sentence means . A. wise B. crazy C. serious D. attractive 26. The event that the Chang’e 5 returned from the moon successfully was _ reported by many countries. A. highly B. widely C. mostly D. nearly 27. -- I want to know more about the Chinese history. Can you give me some advice? -- Well, watch a TV programme called National Treasure on CCTV 3? A. why not B. what about C. shall we D. let’s 28. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is beautiful music that lots of people enjoy listening to it. A. so B. so a C. such D. such a 29. -- Jane, why do you join a small company? -- Well, the job is challenging and the pay every two years. A. develops C. remains B. increases D. improves 30. I know how busy you must be and I wouldn’t want to too much of your time. A. take up B. put up C. set up D. make up 31. -- Andy, you seem to have no difficulty talking with the French student. -- In fact, I in Paris with my parents for three years when I was eight. A. Lived B. was living C. have lived D. live Daniel wants to be a volunteer at 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Which of the following is proper in his application letter? I think many hands make light work. I’d like to visit Beijing for a second time. Lam interested in sports, believe it or not. I was a volunteer in 2020 Nanjing Marathon. Look at the message on the right. It tells that . Paul will give Sam’s video game to Joe on Monday. Sam will lend Paul’s video game to Joe on Monday. Sam will borrow a video game from Joe on Monday. Joe will return Paul’s video game to him on Monday. Hi Paul That video game I borrowed from you was great! I’ve lent it to Joe. He’ll give it back to you on Monday. Hope that’s OK. Sam Which of the following suggestions has a defining relative clause? Remember that you should keep everything in order. Never lose heart when you fall behind your classmates. Put up your hand if you can answer the question in class. Discuss the problems that you don’t understand with your classmates. -- How do you like the play Goodbye Mr. Loser? -- . Shen Teng and Ma Li gave fine performances. A. Wonderful indeed C. I have no idea B. Sounds great D. It is h ... ...

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