

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:26次 大小:31872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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上海实验学校小学三年级英语上册期末 姓名 班级 分数 一.. 填入所缺字母。(4分) 1. b _ _ k 2. p _ n _ il 3. _ y _ 4. h _ _ d 二、根据汉语意思补全单词(20分)。 1. ye __ __ ow 黄色 2. b __ __ y 身体 3. f __ __ ily 家庭 4. o__ t 在外面 5. m __ __ th 嘴 6. s __ s __ er 姐妹 7. st __ __ __ ch 胃 8. br __ __ er 兄弟 9.w__ __k 工作 10.n_ _e 鼻子 三。选择最佳答案。(16分) ( )____ is Danny A. What B. How C. Where D. There ( )What's ____ name A. My B. your C. her D. his ( )I ____ happy. A. is B. \ C. am D. are 4( ).How many ____ do they have A. apple B. apples C. a apple D. an apple 5.( )how do you feel A.I feel tired. B.How are you C.thanks D.Hello. 6.( )____ colour is your hair A. What B. How C. Where D. There 7.( )how old are you A.I am fine. B,I am ten C,I have ten ( )Thank you._____ A.thanks B.You're welcome ,C,No thanks 四.看图片,读单词,连线。(10分) hot cold happy hello sad 五.连接相应得问句答话(20分)。 1. What’s this A. Three pencils. 2. How many pencils do you have B. White. 3. What’s your favourite colour C. It’s a pen. 4. Where is Jenny D. Yes, I am tall. 5. Are you tall E. She is on the chair. 六.把下面的单词整理成句。(20分) is, this, Li Ming _____. my, is, today, birthday _____. eyes, my, black, are _____. Lynn, where, is _____. I, may, have, one, book, please _____. 七. 根据短文内容判断正误,对的画 "T",错的画"F" 。 (10分) My family lives in China.The family has a daughter. It 's me. My name is Wang Fang. I'm nine years old. My father and mother like me. I like them, too. We are a happy family. My family lives in China. ( ) I'm ten years old. ( ) The family has a son. ( ) Her name is Wang Fang. ( ) I like my mother and father.( )

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