

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:24次 大小:2450676Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 ( 高考论说文写作指导 ) ( 知识 导图 ) ( 要 点 精析 ) 议论文, 也称论说文, 是就某一观点或概念进行论证并得出合理结论的一种文体, 考查学生的语言水平和逻辑思维能力。命题的方式主要有:提纲式(给出汉语提示, 要求学生论证)、图表式(给出图片或图表,要求学生先描写再分析论证)、情景式(给出情景, 要求学生描述分析)等。 论说文在结构上是由论点、论据和结论组成, 通常由引言段、中心段和结论段构成, 中心段可以由一至多个推展段组成。引言段(Opening paragraph)说出文中的要点、核心问题—推展段(中心段/正文部分Body paragraphs) 围绕主题开展叙述、讨论—结论段(结尾部分Concluding paragraph) 对全文的总结和概括。 论说文的类型通常有:观点对比型、问题解决型、道理/观点论证型、说明利弊型等, 各类型的论证方式有相异之处, 每一种类型都有相对固定的论证方式及句型。 (一)观点对比型 此题型是通过就同一事件比较两个不同甚至对立的观点, 或就同一问题比较两种不同的选择方法来阐明自己的观点或选择的方法。 1. 写作结构 引入部分 陈述观点1部分 陈述观点2部分 “我的观点”部分 结论 2. 常用句型 引入部分: . has become a heated topic among people today. Opinions vary from person to person. . Nowadays, people are divided on the question about whether ... . The issue of whether ... or not ... has been widely argued/debated currently. . ... is a common occurrence in our daily life, but different people hold different attitudes towards it. 陈述观点1部分: . Some people suggest / think / maintain / hold the opinion that ... . Some people prefer to think that .. . . Those who advocate / are in favor of ... believe that ... . Those who criticize / object to / oppose ... maintain that ... 陈述观点2部分: . However / Nevertheless / Yet, other people hold a different point of view. They insist that ... . On the contrary / In contrast, there are still many people who do not agree, and they claim/argue/believe that ... . On the other hand, not everyone shares the opinion. “我的观点”部分: . For my part /As to me /As far as I am concerned, I’d like to agree to the former / latter opinion. . From my point of view, I am in favor of ... / I am on the side of ... . In my opinion, both sides are partly right / there is some truth in both sides. . To me / In case of me, I prefer .. . / the former opinion is more attractive in that ... 结论部分 In summary / Consequently / In conclusion / To sum up / All in all / In brief / In short ... 3. 模拟演练 你对中学生穿校服的情况进行调查之后, 写一份调查报告。 多数学生赞成:可避免攀比; 有利于学校管理; 有人反对:设计单调; 不利于个性发展; 谈谈你的看法。 Recently I’ve conducted a survey concerning students’ school uniforms. People are divided into two sides on this question as the advantages and disadvantages of the issue are both obvious. Those who advocate the practice argue that as a tradition, wearing a uniform surely has some merits. To begin with, wearing the same clothes can avoid the comparing phenomenon, thus shaping students’ psychology in a healthy way. Besides, the school can also benefit from the convenience that uniforms bring in school management. In th ... ...

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