
内蒙古赤峰市2021届高三1月模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案(无听力音频,无文字材料)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:95次 大小:203872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2021 年赤峰市高三期末考试试卷答案 英 语 2021.01 听力:1--5 B C B C A 6--10. B C C B C 11 15 A A B A B 16 20 B A C B B 阅读理解: A 篇:21--23 BCC B 篇:24--27 CADB C 篇: 28--31 ABCC D 篇:32 35 DADB 七选五:36 40EABFD 完形填空: 41--45 BCADB 46--50 ACDAB 51--55 CABDC 56 60 ABCDD 语篇填空: 61.as 62. stretches 63. when 64. more efficient 65. connecting 66. estimated 67. a 68.has made 69.projects 70. significant 短文改错: Collecting stamps are my favorite, which benefits me a great deal of. For is me, a stamp is not a piece of paper merely , and a record of history. A stamp tells me but about the time, place and country of their origin. In my spare time, I always arrange its the stamps and sticking them properly in an album. Now I have three albums of stick stamps,which I looked after carefully. I enjoy the beautiful of these stamps. I come/\ look beauty to know about the history, geography, and culture of a country from the stamps.I am proudly of myself to be in love with the hobbies. proud hobby 书面表达: Sample 1: A book Exchange World Reading Day is scheduled to approach. An activity in which the majority of teachers and students participated took place in our school. It was in the afternoon that we got together on the playground. We exchanged the books for those we’d like to read, talking about our feelings freely and sharing happiness gained from reading. Additionally, a well-known scene in a masterwork was performed on the stage, contributing to our passion for reading. What excited us most was that a local famous author was invited to give away some of his bestsellers with his name signed. The playground which used to be a quiet place in most cases now burst into cheerful voices. Although the activity came to an end, my interest in reading as well as the ability to communicate has been inspired. I’m always looking forward to the early arrival of such an activity. Sample 2: A Book Exchange It is the circulation of books that makes the real value of a book. Thanks to the School Students’ Union, I had a meaningful time during the Book Exchange last week. Organized by the School Students’ Union, the Book Exchange was held on school campus with active participation of students and teachers. It lasted 3 hours, during which we had a chance to offer our “old friends” and receive “new friends”. In addition to that, I also acquainted some classmates who shared the same taste of books with me and we exchanged reading feelings freely. The activity ended with a passionate speech about how to read delivered by our headmaster. The exchange helped me better understand the value of the book and realize the circulation of books could also contribute to the environmental protection.注意事项: 赤峰市高三 1·30 模拟考试试题 英 语 2021.1 U.S. Junior Amateur The major men’s amateur events on the USGA schedule – think the U.S. Amateur and U.S. Mid-Amateur – require a companion course for the extremely large field. For the first time in the 73-year hi ... ...

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