
贵州省铜仁市松桃县2020-2021学年四年级上册英语期末试卷(湘少版,PDF版,无答案 无听力)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:17次 大小:777529Byte 来源:二一课件通
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松桃县20202021学年度第一学期期末教学质量监测卷 What is that? a tig 四年级英语 B 满分100分,考试时间60分钟 Look at these flowers 题号 四五六七八总分积分人 A. They are beautiful B. It's beautiful C. It's good 一、我能规范书下列句子(5分) B. what 1. There are many animals in the z some flowers. B 7. what you like, Lingling 2. What's anne doing A. does b. de C. doing dumplings. But I like rice.( b. don t like 3. How many monkeys are there Are you soldiers? A. We are soldiers B. Ye C. No 4. I like swimming 10. Thank you A. very much this, Helen? ( 5. I can see the moon B. dress ass Welcome to my home 找出与其他类不同的一项(10分) A. Thank you C. You are welcome thirteen B. fourteen C. third Nice to meet you 3.( B. morning C. afternoon B. Fine, thank you. C. Nice to meet you,too )A bag eraser C. ruler 14. Anne can Jump 单项选择(30分) A. like How old are you? flowers. 补 A. is B C. am B. I'm fine C. Im OK 四、情景交际(10分) 2. There a tiger in the zoo. 当你早上见到张老师时,你应该对他说 A. am B C. Are Good afterno B. Good morning 四年级英语第1页共4页 四年级英语第2页共4页 2.()你想问这是谁的物品,你可以说 七、连词成句(10分) Whose is 3.()" Peter能跳得高."用英语应该这样说: A. Peter can jump high Peter can swim fast to, Nice, meet (. 4.()当你想知道"猫在哪儿"时,你可以这样问: A. Where's the hat? B. Where's the cat 3. can, swim, Peter, fast (. 5.()你想问对方身体怎么样,应说 4. the, beautiful, Look, at, bird A. How old are you How are you? 五、图片内容与句子是(T)否(F)相符(10分) 5. Whose, this, is ( This is a kitchen. It's small 八、阅读理解(20分) 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F).(10分 Today there is a sports meeting in Peter's school Peter can run fast. He wants to run in This is a bathroom. It's clean(干净的) he race. He has a friend, Tom. Tom is 13 years old. He can't run. But he can throw far. He jump high. He wants to jump in 1) Peter can ru 2) Peter wants to play football in the 3 There is a panda. It's eating (3) Tom can throw far (4) Tom can jump high an run fast He is playing football 2.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案.(10分) My name is Jane. I'm a girl. I am ten. I am in China now. I like rice. My mother likes dumplings. My father likes bread and biscuits. I have a small room. There's a bed, a desk d a chair in it. There are many books on the desk. I like books. I often read books in the He is watching Tv evening a 六、读单词或短语,选择合适的图片.(5分) A. girl B. b (1) scarf (2) window 3)seventy(4)sweater (5) eggs (2) Jane's mother likes A B. dumplings rice (3) Jane's father likes 8延70 a. bread and biscuit (4) Jane has a 鹰 B. small books on the C E A. wall B. room C. desk 四年级英语第3页共4页 四年级英语第4页共4页

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