

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:2993664Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中招英语试题命题趋势及专题训练 (十一) 阅读理解应用文 阅读理解之应用文包含广告、招聘、咨询和建议、通知等类型的文章。 1、应用题的特点 解答广告图表类题,要仔细阅读表格中的内容,表格类阅读材料一般都直观地表达出所要传递的信息。考生只要能看懂各个项目的意义,即可找出所设问题的答案。这类材料一般不涉及难度太大的题目。 纵观历年各省市的中考题可以看出广告图表类的文章在阅读理解中占有相当大的比重,一般四篇阅读理解中至少有一篇是广告图表类。广告图表类的文章属于应用文的行列。 应用文有以下特点: 1、有明确的读者对象。应用文都有明确特定的读者对象。 2、有比较固定的格式。根据不同的写作内容和任务,不同的应用文有不同的、相对稳定的格式和行文方式。 3、应用文(practical writing)的主要功能是解决实际问题,语言要求简洁、平实、有条理、不罗嗦,用恰当的语言把事情说清楚即可。 4、答案均匀分布(每个小标题下出一题,不可能一个小标题下出来2道题,比方说有三个小标题,就出3道题,若四道题,最后一题是主旨题); 5、题文不一定同序(也就是说第一题不一定就在第二题的前面,但是非应用题就是题文同序-题目出现的顺序和文中的答案的顺序是一样的); 6、一模一样(选项和文中句子)可以选;但非应用文,一模一样绝对错,当然除了单词释义、指代、观点态度外。 7、主旨题的解法(找各个小标题的主旨,这个时候要翻译各个小标题以总结各个小标题而得出结论。) 2、应用文的解题方法 考生在阅读这类材料时,主要从以下方面入手: 1、是了解图表的主题,确定图表的主要内容。 2、是推敲图画上的文字或数字,找出它们之间的关联或试图表达的含义。 3、读应用文标题、小标题,不翻译,提炼大写字母; 4、读题干,尽量翻译以便看出来a. 归类小标题,看题干属于哪个小标题;b.看题干问什么; c.扫描选项(大写字母、数字不需翻译); 5、去短文中相应小标题下寻找答案。 (一) The Odd Life of Timothy GreenType: Science fiction Directed by: Peter Hedges Release date: June 2Jim and Cindy dream of having a lovely baby, and then, on a thundering night, comes Timothy, a cute boy calling himself their son. What new life will this fantasy boy bring to the couple? The VillainessType: Action movieDirected by: Jung Byung﹣gilRelease date:? June 15Since she was a little girl, Sook﹣hee has been raised to be a fighter. She marries her boss and mentor but, when he is murdered on their honeymoon, she turns into a crazy killer. Iris: A Space Opera by JusticeType: Space operaDirected by: AndréChemetoffRelease date: June 22A 60 minute film of Justice's 2017﹣2018 live show, recorded in an empty and unknown space without an audience, focusing exclusively on the impressive production and music. The CroodsType: 3D cartoonDirected by: Kirk De Micco & Chris SandersRelease date: June 28Eep, the eldest daughter of the Gollum family, is a curious girl. She is not satisfied to stay in the small cave for a lifetime, but wants to see the strange world outside the cave. 1. What kind of movie is The Croods? A. Science fiction. B. Action movie. C. Space opera. D. 3D cartoon. 2. Who is the director of Iris: A Space Opera by Justice? A. Peter Hedges. B. Jung Byung﹣gil. C. AndréChemetoff. D. Chris Sanders. 3. Which movie will be on show in early June? A. The Odd L ... ...

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