
2021年中考英语总复习第十七讲 八年级下册 Units 9-10 (教材梳理整合+跟综练习)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:35次 大小:2500458Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中考总复习 英语 八下 Units 9-10 根据所给句子,填入一个适当的词,使句意完整。 (10分) It will be several months before the young bird can feed _____ . Teachers should _____some students to continue studying when they want to give it up . I should think it over and give you a _____ reply . If someone wants to get rid of (处理)waste substances (物质)from their body , they can go to the _____ . Jack works hard these days . He made great _____ in the math exam . Mo Yan is one of the greatest writers in the 2st _____ of China . It’s always hard for us to _____ with certain things we have had for a long time . Your life no _____ belongs to you , but to all who love you . We all trust Rita because she is _____and kind . I’ve already cleared _____ a lot of things we don’t use from my bedroom . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) I met some _____(German )on my way home . They asked me the way to the museum . The world is changing _____(rapid ) , and we should keep up with the pace (节奏)of change . This is an _____ (usual) problem so we should deal with it in a different way . Everyone wants to have a _____ (peace) world . When _____ (travel ) in a foreign country , we should pay attention to our behaviors What nice _____ (scarf) ! I don’t know which one to choose . It’ really _____ (believable )that such a little kid can speak three kinds of languages . Our teachers are patient enough to spend a lot of time _____ (explain ) things to us . Walt Disney was famous as a cartoon _____ (make ) . Many children like him . Why not consider _____ (go) to Shanghai for a holiday ? III 单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. Our music teacher is ____ Indian person . He is _____ unusual person . a; a B. an; a C. an ; an ( ) 2. When _____ comes , children like to play with the snow / winter B. spring C. summer ( ) 3. Come to me _____ you need me . however B. whenever C. wherever ( ) 4. The money _____ is just some pieces of paper or some numbers . yourself B. himself C. itself ( ) 5. -Would you like to tell your trouble to your mother or your father ? -_____ . I usually keep it in my heart . Either B. Neither C. Both ( ) 6. Tom _____ the USA . He _____ back in two months . has gone to; comes B. has gone to ; will be C has been to ; comes ( ) 7. I can’t make a decision now because I don’t know _____ it will rain or not tomorrow . if B. whether C. weather ( ) 8. It was quite a(n) _____ that the boy refused to offer the seat to the old on the bus . worry B. illness C. shame ( ) 9. _____girls took part in in the competition but only few of them succeeded . Million of B. Many million of C. Millions of ( ) 10. -Have you been to Holland _____ ? -Yes, I went there two years _____ . before ; ago B. before ; before C. ago ; before ( ) 11. _____ , volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves . To my surprise B. To be honest C. To start with ( ) 12. Although Amy has bought a new bike , she didn’t want to _____ the old on ... ...

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