

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:53次 大小:1253310Byte 来源:二一课件通
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江苏省扬州市 2020-2021年上学期八年级英语期末试卷分类汇编 阅读理解 江苏省扬州市邗江区2020-2021学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题 四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A New payment Ways for online 51. What is the form about? A. Online shopping B. Online stores. C. New payment ways. D. The uses of Internet. 52. Which payment ways are from the same payment service company? A. Yeepay and WeChat pay. B. Tenpay and WeChat pay. C. Alipay and Tenpay D. Tenpay and Yeepay. 53. Which of the following is NOT True according to the form above? A. Yeepay was put into use earlier than the other three. B. Alipay and WeChat pay have the same number of users. C. It's easier to use Tenpay because it has the most cooperative banks. D. When we use WeChat pay, our money goes directly to the sellers. B A little stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests. Then it reached a desert, “I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert,” she thought. As she started, she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand. After many tries, she still failed. At this time, a deep voice said, “ if a breeze (微风) can cross the desert, so can a river.” It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered, “that’s because a breeze can fly, but I can’t.” “That’s because you can’t give up what you are. Let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze, and it can take you across.” said the desert. “Give up what I am now? No! No!” The little stream could not accept this idea. “The breeze can carry the vapor (水蒸汽) across the desert and let it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again.” said the desert. “And whether you’re a river or vapor, your nature never changes.” Hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the breeze. It carried her to the next stage (阶段) of her life. 54. What did the stream think when she reached a desert? A. She thought she couldn’t cross the desert. B. She believed she could cross the desert. C. She thought she knew well about the desert. D. She started to worry about herself. 55. What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指的是)? A. The desert.?????? B. The nature. C. The breeze.?????? D. The stream. 56. What did the stream do in the end? A. It crossed the desert.??? ??????? B. It stopped trying. C. It failed to get to the ocean.??? D. It died. 57. What is the main idea of the story? A. The road to success is not always easy. B. We should do the right thing whatever others say. C. Our lives can be as difficult as the little stream’s. D. To succeed, we should change the way we used to be. C I heard a strange noise. I did not know what the noise was, but I was very frightened. At last I heard steps outside, and the stableman(马夫) came in with a light. He tried to lead the horses out but they were very frightened. Eventually he came to me next and tried to drag me out. I didn’t want to go. ... ...

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