

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:16次 大小:145313Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2021高考英语中英双语阅读素材(二) 英媒:中国学生成为第一批抛弃澳大利亚的人 中国学生正在抛弃澳大利亚 教育曾经为澳洲主要收入来源之一 The international education sector had been one of the country's biggest export markets - worth $37.6billion in flow-on benefits to the Australian economy in 2019 - but that was rapidly being eroded due to government restrictions on visas and inward travel. 最新的数据表明,原本就在减少的外国留学生正成群结队地离开澳大利亚,中国学生是其中的领军者。国际教育曾是澳大利亚最大的出口收入来源之一,2019年为澳经济注入了376亿澳元。但由于政府对签证和入境旅行的限制,这一市场正被迅速侵蚀。澳大利亚统计局的新数据显示,去年12月,近1/4的离澳外国人都是国际学生。所有的离澳外国人中,近1/5(18.7%)是中国公民,共有9300人。澳大利亚去年3月20日开始严格限制入境旅行。据澳政府统计,与2019年10月相比,2020年10月澳各大学的国际学生减少了8%。专家警告称,留学生人数可能会进一步下降,因为随着一些学生(约12万人)在2020年10月至今年1月期间完成学业,他们留下的空缺不会被注册入学的新生填补。 会造成怎样的后果? 大学收入重大损失: Peak body Universities Australia said in June 2020 universities were likely to experience up to $4.8billion in lost revenue by the end of the year.?They also estimated this number could balloon to $16billion by 2023. 'We can't pretend that won't have a big impact. Not only does that revenue support the staff and facilities to educate the next generation of skilled workers, it also pays for much of the research and innovation that keeps Australia internationally competitive,' CEO Catriona Jackson said. 大学大规模裁员: Universities across the country introduced mass redundancies in 2020 to cope the the decrease in students numbers. More than 12,000 university workers, about half of which were casual and contract staff, had lost their jobs, according to the National Tertiary Education Union. Thousands of Chinese students DITCH Australian universities to return home - as restrictions on visas and travel crushes the tertiary sector 亚马逊被控勾结出版商抬高电子书价格达30% Amazon Is Accused of Driving Up the Price of E-Books 亚马逊被指抬高电子书价格 Amazon kick-started the e-book business when it introduced its Kindle in November 2007. 亚马逊在2007年11月推出Kindle时启动了电子书业务 Amazon. com Inc., which originally came up with the idea of charging bargain-basement prices for electronic books, is now being accused of forcing customers on other book sites to pay too much for them. 亚马逊。最初想出了向电子书收取低价的公司,现在却被指责强迫其他图书网站的用户支付过高的价格。 A lawsuit filed Thursday in a federal district court in New York alleges that a deal between Amazon and five major book publishers has led to higher e-book prices for all consumers, because it prevents rival retailers from selling any of these publishers’ e-books at a lower price than on Amazon. 周四,纽约一家联邦地区法院提起诉讼,称亚马逊与五家主要图书出版商之间的一项协议导致所有消费者的电子书价格更高,因为它阻止了竞争对手的零售商以低于亚马逊的价格销售这些出版商的电子书。 ... ...

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