
Unit 4 Don't eat in class. Section B 2a-2c 课件(共25张PPT)+音频+同步练习

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:68次 大小:4147359Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit4 Section B 2a-2c同步练习 I.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Don't make the boy     (study) too late at night. ? 2.The little boy has to     (clean) his bedroom every day. ? 3.I don't want you     (leave) the dirty dishes in the kitchen. ? 4.Every day we practice     (speak) English with some Americans after school. ? 5.It's     (relax) to listen to some soft music. ? 6.Too many     (rule) make Molly feel terrible.? 7.Parents and schools make rules     (help) students.? 8.Peter can play soccer after he     (finish) his homework.? 9.We must     (follow) the rules. They are good for us.? 10.It's difficult for the students     (get) to school early every day.? II.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 11.你必须遵守校规。 You have to     your school     .? 12.我必须每天练习吉他。 I must     the     every day.? 13.晚饭后,我也不能放松。 After dinner, I can't          .? 14.我们的英语老师对我们要求很严。 Our English teacher is really          us.? 15.禁止在走廊里大声喧哗。 Don't          in the hallways.? III.完形填空 James is a middle school student.He isn't happy today, because it's really a(n)  16  day for him.? In the morning, his clock doesn't work,  17  he gets up late. James runs quickly to school, but he is still(仍然)  18  for class. In the hallway, James meets his teacher Ms. Miller. Ms. Miller tells him, “Don't run in the hallway and remember to  19  at school on time.” After the first class, James is hungry(饥饿的) and  20  his breakfast in the classroom. Ms. Miller sees and says, “Don't eat in the classroom.” After the second class, James finds he doesn't bring his notebook to school. He takes out his cell phone(手机) and makes a  21  to his mother. Ms. Miller sees and says, “Don't  22  your cell phone to school.” When James gets home at 5 p.m., his best friend Peter asks him to play  23 . But his mother tells him, “You have to do your homework  24  playing.”? “Why are there so many strict  25 ?” James thinks. He doesn't want to follow them sometimes. But his parents and teachers think rules are important. They can help him to be good. ? (  )16.A.noisy B.dirty C.important D.terrible (  )17.A.so B.but C.or D.because (  )18.A.quiet B.true C.late D.early (  )19.A.keep B.join C.work D.arrive (  )20.A.eats B.makes C.loses D.calls (  )21.A.luck B.book C.call D.dish (  )22.A.fight B.bring C.relax D.leave (  )23.A.outside B.sure C.well D.just (  )24.A.after B.on C.before D.to (  )25.A.parents B.teachers C.clubs D.rules IV.阅读理解 Most of people like shopping. When you do some shopping, you can pay in cash(现金). But now it's easy to pay with a mobile phone. You can pay by WeChat or Alipay. You can even pay with your faces. It's very interesting, isn't it?Is that enough?Maybe after a few days, you can pay with your hands. Amazon is trying its new way of payment—pay by hands. Hands are in differen ... ...

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