
2020-2021学年通用版高二英语寒假题型增分精析: 语法填空专题 Word版含解析

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:59次 大小:64000Byte 来源:二一课件通
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09语法填空 序号 内容 Passage 1 介绍一个掉落深坑,通过自我鼓励和勇气使自己脱离困境的故事。 Passage 2 关于探索宇宙梦想的影响以及人类对宇宙探索付出的行动。 Passage 3 文章主要讲述了黑水潜水者张帆拍摄海洋生物的初衷和过程 Passage 4 文章主要介绍了不同的诗歌形式及其不同的表达方式 Passage 5 主要讲述了高中是塑造你即将成为的人的重要阶段 Passage 6 主要说明了柏拉图和亚里士多德两个哲学家对于教育的一些观点和看法。 Passage1 A man was caught and thrown into a pit (坑) of about “40 feet” deep. He struggled trying to get out of the pit, 1.the more he tried, the weaker his muscles became. He said to himself, “I don't know how2.(get) myself out of this. Maybe I should just die instead of enduring these miserable struggles and pains.” Just then, he heard a voice screaming, “Help! Help!! Help!!!” The shouts were coming from another pit, 3.was 10 feet more deeper than the one he was in. “Wow, so there is somebody else like me 4. (stick) here too,” He thought to himself. Listening 5.(careful), he heard some cracking and sand dropping from 6.wall of the pit of the other victim. Immediately he summed up his courage and with his last bit of strength, 7.(start) crawling\little by little until he made it out of his pit. When you go through pains, remember that there are people pain 8. (badly) off than you. Always say something sweet to yourself. Always smile at your pains. Try to 9. (courage) yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, beat your chest and say, “I can make 10.and I can stand the test of time.” Passage2 Space exploration has always been the province of dreamers: The human imagination readily soars 11. human ingenuity struggles to follow. A Voyage to the Moon, often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649.Cyrano was dead and buried for 12. good three centuries before the first manned rockets started to fly. In 1961, when Kennedy declared that America 13. (send) a man to the moon by the decade's end, those words, too, had a dreamlike quality. They resonated with optimism and ambition in much the same way as the most famous dream speech 14., delivered by Martin Luther King two years later. By the end of the decade, both visions 15. (yield) concrete results and transformed American society. And yet in many ways the two dreams ended up 16. odds with each other. The fight for racial and economic equality is intensely pragmatic and immediate in its impact. The urge to explore space is just the opposite. It is figuratively and literally otherworldly in its aims. When the dust settled, the space dreamers lost out. There was no grand follow-up to the Apollo missions. The technologically compromised-space shuttle program has just come to an end, with no successor. The argument is that funds are tight, and 17. we have more pressing problems here on Earth. Amid the current concerns about the federal deficit, reaching toward the stars seems a dispensable luxury—18. saving one-thousandth of a single year's ... ...

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