
上海新世纪版高二年级第二学期Unit 7 Enjoying the Class writing 课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:27次 大小:409182Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Writing an Effective Body Paragraph from sentence to paragraph Objectives By the end of this class, students will be able to 1). write focused supporting sentences 2). get familiar with the ways to provide specific details 3). write a coherent paragraph with transitional words Revision : Topic Sentence tell the reader the _____of the paragraph. often found at the _____ of the paragraph. Structure of a paragraph main idea beginning The topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence Today’s focus supporting sentences A paragraph without support There are 4 secrets of making friends. First, be nice to others. If you are kind and care about others, they will respond by wanting to be around you. In the second place, learn to smile. Wearing a smile makes you an approachable person. People tend to feel at ease with such people. Thirdly, be a good listener and talker. Paying attention to what others say makes them feel important and respected. Finally , learn to see the positive qualities in others. Making friends is an art and needs careful cultivation. Supporting Sentences Topic sentence Supporting sentences make a point prove a point There are many reasons I hate my apartment. The plumbing doesn’t work properly and the landlord refuses to fix it. I also have noisy neighbours who keep me up all night. Furthermore, there are so many bugs in my apartment that I could start an insect collection. I really want to move. Read the following paragraph and underline the supporting sentences There are many reasons I hate my apartment. The plumbing doesn’t work properly and the landlord refuses to fix it. I also have noisy neighbours who keep me up all night. Furthermore, there are so many bugs in my apartment that I could start an insect collection. I really want to move. Read the following paragraph and underline the supporting sentences Select supporting ideas that fit Topic sentence: Zhu Xiaokang is a very talented student. a. Zhu Xiaokang is always respectful to his teachers. b. He has created beautiful paintings in his art course. c. He is the lead singer in our school band. d. He won an award in a dancing contest. e. He is hoping to become a professional photographer √ √ √ Select supporting ideas that don’t fit TS: Some dog owners have little consideration for other people. a. Obedience lessons can be a good experience for both the dog and the owner. b. Some dog owners let their dogs leave droppings on the sidewalk or in other people’s yards. c. They leave the dog home alone for hours, and it barks and howls and wakes the neighbors. d. Some people keep very large dogs in small apartments. e. Even when small children are playing nearby, owners let their bad tempered dogs run loose. ? ? Summary The supporting sentences must relate back to your point. An effective paragraph has unity Provide support Add one supporting idea to the topic sentence TS: Living on campus offers many a ... ...

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