
Unit2. I'll help to clean up the city parks. 单元词汇专项训练(附答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:1273856Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –全国领先的中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit2. I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 词汇专练 词组(根据提示选用恰当的词组完成句子) 1. Peter is very sad. Let’s cheer him up.(使他振奋起来). 2. Your daughter doesn’t take after(像)you. You are quiet, but she is outgoing. 3. He is trying to come up with(想出)a plan for coaching the tennis team. 4. He will set up(建立)a small supermarket on the Center Street. 5. I believe that you can help yourself/ yourselves out.(帮助自己走出困境) 6. Can we put off(推迟)the meeting till next Monday morning? 7. Would you please give out(分发)the exam papers? 8. The room is too dirty. It should be cleaned up.(打扫干净) 9. --We need to _____ a time to have a talk, now! --What about tomorrow? I am too busy today. A. put up B. fix up C. use up D. look up 10. My bike is broken. I will have it _____ tomorrow morning. A. fix up B. fixed up C. repairing D. to repair 单词(根据所给提示选用正确的单词,用其恰当形式填空) 1. Look at the sign. It says NO SMOKING HERE. 2. The strong wind blew down many of the trees and houses. 3. A’bing developed a serious illness and became blind, he couldn’t see anything. 4. He has made decision and nobody can change his mind. 5. My grandma is old. I help her carry water every day. 6. At the good news, the kids were so happy that they cheered/cried loudly. 7. He jumped with joy when he heard the good news. 8. We should help the blind, the deaf and other disabled people. 9. The poor boy is deaf and can’t hear anything. 10. Your story doesn’t interest us at all. Please stop telling it. 11. I want to learn more about how to care for animals. 12. Look at the notice “No photos”, so we can’t take photos here. 13. Our school plans to organize a basketball match to raise money for the kids in the mountain village. 14. Did you have a good time during the school trip? --Yes, it was a great journey. 15. To our joy, the band will come to our school to play. 16. You can use road signs to help you find the right place. 17. They volunteer/volunteered to give away their clothes to the charity. 18. The boy is so clever that he can work out many difficult problems. 19. Tom repairs old bikes and gives them away. 20. I always have some difficulties in learning English. 21. I think I can fix up the bike. 22. The owner of the dog is an old man. 23. There is something you can't?change, such as your background and past. So learn to accept them. 24. He gives up several hours a week to work in the old people’s home. 25. These days there are lots of changes in my hometown. 1. You can’t imagine(想象)how I missed you all. 2. They had to carry(扛)their boxes to the village. 3. If you explain to him, he will understand(理解)you. 4. Mike is not afraid of that strong(强壮的)man. 5. I received a letter(信)from my brother. 1. When I stay at home alone, I feel lonely (lone). 2. Western children became interested in reading the story Monkey. (interest) 3. I have a feeling (feel) ... ...

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