
21世纪英文报七年级上(725期) People with powers 原创课件(共14张PPT)+视频+音频+词汇练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:54789374Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教新目标版 七年级上学期 21世纪英文报 初一 725期 作者:陈嘉华 Beyond classroom Listening Superheroes in movies always have special abilities. For example, Spider-Man can stick to walls and the Hulk can stop a spaceship with one punch. In real life, there are also some people with special abilities. Their “superpowers” sound even cooler!? Sea life in DNA How long can you hold your breath? Maybe a few seconds? The Bajau people can hold their breath underwater for more than 10 minutes. The Bajau are from Malaysia. They live in boats. They have larger spleens than people who live on land. Their larger spleens can make more oxygen for them so they can stay underwater for a long time. Not afraid of the cold The temperature is below -40 C. Oh, that’s so cold! Well, the Inuit would think it’s no trouble at all. The Inuit people live in the Arctic. Ice and snow cover the land there. The Inuit people eat fish and meat. They sometimes eat them raw. These foods are rich in fat. The fat can create heat for their bodies. Strong as ‘The Rock’ People call the famous movie star Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”. He looks huge and strong. Johnson is a Samoan. The Samoans live in islands in the Pacific Ocean. They are among the strongest people in the world. No one knows why they can grow taller and bigger than others. Some scientists believe it has to do with their food. The Samoans eat breadfruits. They are quite nutritious. Super eyesight The Maasai people from Africa live on the grassland. There are many? dangerous animals there, such as lions. The Maasai have good eyesight to avoid danger. Some Maasai people can see things clearly from 800 meters away!? Words in use Superheroes in movies always have special abilities. For example, Spider-Man can stick to walls and the Hulk can stop a spaceship with one punch. In real life, there are also some people with special abilities. Their “superpowers” sound even cooler!? ability 能力 abilities(复数形式) Almost everyone has some musical ability. stick 粘住 Use glue to stick the poster on the wall. sticker ?? even甚至,还 He didn‘t say sorry. He didn't even say sorry. Words in use hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 I can hold my breath for 3 minutes. who 引导的定语从句 I have a brother who lives in Nanjing. larger than 比较级 Sea life in DNA How long can you hold your breath? Maybe a few seconds? The Bajau people can hold their breath underwater for more than 10 minutes. The Bajau are from Malaysia. They live in boats. They have larger spleens than people who live on land. Their larger spleens can make more oxygen for them so they can stay underwater for a long time. the largest 最高级 My office is larger than your bedroom. The largest research station can hold 30 scientists. Words in use be afraid of 害怕… I’m afraid of spider. below 在….下面 The temperature today is below 0. Not afraid of the cold The temperature is below -40 C. Oh, that’s so cold! Well ... ...

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