

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:19次 大小:26214Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021高考英语二轮复习:中英双语阅读素材(十六) 实力羡慕!微软将允许员工永久在家办公 Microsoft has told staff that they will have the option of working from home permanently with manager approval. 微软公司告知员工,如果得到管理人员的批准,他们可以选择永久性在家办公。 The move mimics the US tech giant's rivals Facebook and Twitter, which have also said remote work would be a permanent option. 此举效仿了这家美国科技巨头的竞争对手脸书和推特,脸书和推特已表示员工可以选择永久远程办公。 It follows a rapid shift away from office working prompted by the coronavirus pandemic. 在此之前,由于新冠疫情暴发,人们的工作地点从办公室迅速转移到家中。 Many companies are reconsidering how much office space they need, expecting a long-term increase in remote staff. 许多公司预计远程办公人员的数量将会长期增长,因此正重新考虑所需的办公空间。 Microsoft said some roles will continue to require an in-person presence, such as those needing access to hardware, the firm added. But many staff will also be able to work from home part-time, without needing formal approval from their managers. 微软公司还表示,一些职位仍将需要来办公室上班,比如硬件相关职位。但许多员工也可以在家兼职,而这不需要得到管理人员的正式批准。 As of April, more than 46% of those employed were doing some work from home, according to the Office of National Statistics. 根据英国国家统计局的数据,截至今年4月,超过46%的员工在家办公。 That was comparable to the US, where 42% of the workforce was remote in May, according to Stanford University economics professor Nicholas Bloom, whose research looked at people aged 20-64, earning more than $10,000 last year. 斯坦福大学经济学教授尼古拉斯?布鲁姆表示,这一比例与美国相当,今年5月,美国42%的员工在家办公。这是尼古拉斯?布鲁姆对美国年薪在1万美元(约合人民币67221元)以上、20岁到64岁之间的职场人士进行调查后得出的结论。 While that share decreased to about 35% in August, it still marked a major change. Before the pandemic, just 2% of workers were remote full time, he said. 虽然这一比例在8月份下降到35%左右,但仍是一个重大变化。他说,在新冠疫情之前,只有2%的员工全职在家办公。 "What we're doing now is extremely unusual," he said. “我们现在所做的极其不寻常”,他说。 Many employers hailed the shift initially as being surprisingly productive. But as the months have passed, some of the drawbacks have emerged. 起初,许多雇主称赞这一转变的成效令人惊讶。但几个月过去了,一些缺点也浮现出来。 For example, at a conference this month, Microsoft's own chief executive Satya Nadella said the lack of division between private life and work life meant "it sometimes feels like you are sleeping at work". 例如,在本月的一次会议上,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚?纳德拉表示,私人生活和工作之间缺乏区分,意味着“有时感觉就像你在工作时睡觉”。 As companies look beyond the pandemic, Prof Bloom said many are eyeing policies that combine two days a week at home with three days of office time, which will remain important for meetings, building company culture and loyalty and basic mental health. 布鲁姆教授表示,随着企 ... ...

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