

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:92次 大小:26295Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021高考英语二轮复习:中英双语阅读素材(十三) 为什么美国选举花了这么长时间还没出结果? Key states’ results were still too close to call Wednesday—here is why and what to expect. 周三,关键州的结果仍然太接近,无法预测-以下是为什么以及预计会发生什么。 Election officials in pivotal states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina and Georgia have long said it will take additional time to tally votes this election as a result of the pandemic-driven surge of mailed ballots. That is playing out now, with lawyers potentially delaying the count further with lawsuits over the handling of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania already being heard in courts. 宾夕法尼亚州、内华达州、北卡罗来纳州和佐治亚州等关键州的选举官员长期以来一直表示,由于流行病引发的邮寄选票激增,计票工作需要额外的时间。这种情况现在正在上演,律师们可能会进一步推迟计票,因为宾夕法尼亚州处理邮寄选票的诉讼已经在法庭上审理。 President Trump’s victories in Texas, Florida and Ohio ran up against Joe Biden’s wins in Wisconsin and Michigan on the path to 270 electoral votes. Once the Democrat picked up Wisconsin, many of his pathways ran through Michigan and Pennsylvania. 特朗普总统在得克萨斯州、佛罗里达州和俄亥俄州的胜利与乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在威斯康星州和密歇根州的胜利形成鲜明对比,拜登将赢得270张选举人票。一旦这位民主党人拿下威斯康星州,他的许多路线就穿过密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州。 Conversely, Mr. Trump needs to win Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina to be re-elected. 相反,特朗普需要赢得内华达州、宾夕法尼亚州、佐治亚州和北卡罗来纳州的支持才能连任。 In Wisconsin, the Associated Press has called the state for Mr. Biden, but that margin of victory appears narrow enough to allow Mr. Trump to request a recount. The Trump campaign said Wednesday it would petition for a recount under a state law governing close races. 在威斯康星州,美联社(Associated Press)给该州打出了拜登的电话,但胜利的差距似乎小到足以让特朗普要求重新计票。特朗普竞选团队周三表示,他们将根据一项管理势均力敌的竞选的州法律,申请重新计票。 In Michigan, the Trump campaign sought to halt the counting of the state’s ballots, saying the campaign “has not been provided with meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process.” 在密歇根州,特朗普竞选团队试图停止该州的计票工作,称竞选团队“没有获得进入众多计票地点观察开票和计票过程的有意义的通道”。 Here are the key states yet to be called by the AP. 以下是美联社尚未调用的关键状态。 Counting in Pennsylvania is expected to take until Friday, with about 1.4 million mail-in ballots outstanding in the Keystone state as of Wednesday morning. 宾夕法尼亚州的计票工作预计将持续到周五,截至周三上午,这个关键州约有140万张邮寄选票尚未完成。 Mr. Trump leads Mr. Biden, but the remaining ballots are expected to overwhelmingly favor the Democrat. In Philadelphia, only about 20% of the more than 350,000 mail-in votes has been tabulated. 特朗普领先拜登,但剩下的选票预计会压倒性地支持这位民主党人。在费城,超过35万张邮寄选票中只有20%被统计出来 ... ...

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