
通用 小学英语课堂游戏之 daily-routines 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:16次 大小:2072104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) START ROUTINES 1/22 SPIN CHECK ROUTINES He _____ at 7.30. SPIN CHECK wakes up 1/22 He _____ at 7.35. CHECK gets up SPIN 2/22 CHECK He _____ at 7.40. takes a shower 3/22 SPIN CHECK She _____ at 7.45. takes a bath 4/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at 7.50. gets dressed 5/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ everyday. combs his hair 6/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at 7.55. has breakfast 7/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at 8.00. brushes his teeth 8/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at 8.05. goes to school 9/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at 14.30. goes home 10/22 SPIN CHECK He often _____. washes his hands 11/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at home. has lunch 12/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ in the afternoon. takes a nap 13/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at 17.00. does his homework 14/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ everyday. feeds the dog 15/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ in the evening. walks the dog 16/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ in the afternoon. hangs out with his friends 17/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ in the evening. surfs the web 18/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ in the evening. plays video games 19/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ at 20.30. has dinner 20/22 SPIN CHECK He _____ in the evening. watches TV 21/22 SPIN CHECK She _____ at 10.30. goes to bed 22/22 EXIT

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