
清华版一年级下册Unit 1 My numbers lesson1 课件 (共13张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:30次 大小:3957145Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 MY NUMBERS Lesson 1 廉江市实验学校一年级英语组 shoe What's this?这是什么? shoes How many shoes?有多少个只鞋? one shoe two shoes 四人一组朗读课文 shoe one two shoes shoe two one shoes 1.熟读单词和句子 2.朗读Let's say it 3 遍 Homework 编号:3662666(图片114网www.tupian114com)永久免费素材网 西西 Listen, look and say Put on your shoes. 穿上你的子 Do it Take off your shoes 脱下你的营子 Listen, look and say shoe shoes D。i put。 n your sh。= Take o our sH。es N Let's read Read in groups 图 unipue.@o3 Sharp eyes Listen and check ④礫 Listen. draw and color Let's say it! One, two, put on your shoes. One, two, take off your shoes. One, two, put on your shoes. One, two, take off your shoes.

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