

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:72次 大小:81525Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021届高三英语二轮(新高考)复习专项导练:七选五 《考试说明》对阅读七选五题型命题目的的表述为“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。”在选择文本材料的时候,命题人就要考虑文本内容的整体性和逻辑性。纵观近三年高考全国卷阅读七选五的选材,主要是以贴近考生生活或者考生感兴趣的说明文为主,偶尔出现记叙文(如2017年全国卷Ⅰ)。说明文文体的文章结构严谨、层次分明、条理清晰、逻辑严密。文中常含有ways, methods, skills, techniques, suggestions, tips, steps, how, how to do sth.等词,这些词都是关键性的提示词、总结词,有利于考生 准确把握文章主旨。 阅读七选五文中设五个空,依据挖空位置,可将5个题目分为段首题、段中题和段尾题;依据句子在文中的作用,可分为“主旨概括句(涉及文章整体内容)”“语段过渡句(反映文章结构)”和“细节注释句(反映上下文的逻辑关系)”三个类型。 1.语境线索 1)词汇重现(以不同词类、词性、数、格、时态、语态等形式出现。或者以同义词、近义词甚至反义词等形式出现) 2)指称(用代词替代前文已出现的人物、事件、物品等,如he, she, they,them) 3)逻辑关系词 ★并列与递进关系: and, or, also, neither…nor…,either…or…,likewise, similarly, equally, in the same way, that is to say ,as well as, the same …as, besides, additionally, furthermore, moreover, in addition to ,what is more  ★转折让步关系: but, however, yet, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand, unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of, it is true that, although, though, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite, in spite of ★因果关系: because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so…that, consequently, accordingly, due to, thanks to, as a result, because of, in that, for this reason, of course   ★顺序关系: afterwards, at first, at last, finally, first, firstly, in the first place, to start with,in the meantime, last, later, next, second, secondly, then, third, thirdly, to begin with ★解释关系 ★因果关系 ★转折关系 2.根据空格所在位置确定不同的解题策略 1)如果空格在段首或为段落标题,通常是段落主题句。 2)如果空格在段尾,通常是结论、概括性语句。如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word。 3)如果空格是一整个自然段,通常是承上启下的句子。 (一) Apps (short for applications) are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, and for good reason. They can help you out in just about every area of your life, whether it's keeping fit, communicating with friends, or even learning a language. ___1____ Here's what you should think about before downloading an app for language learning. Learn from diverse sources (not just apps) Any seasoned language learner will tell you that the beauty of mastering a foreign language is the world which it opens up to you. This is a world of diverse sources(来源) of information, from newspapers and books to TV, radio, music and even real people. Would you limit yourself to one medium in your native language? ____ 2 ___ Establish your purpose and plan your habits Do you want to be fluent in weeks or are you in it for the brain training? The good apps are designed to help you fit your ... ...

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