
Unit1 My day A let's spell 原创精优课件 教案 同步练习(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:79次 大小:31170699Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Pep五下Unit1 My day A let’s spell同步练习 一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。 ( )1.A.plate B.plant C.close ( )2.A.clear B.please C.class ( )3.A.clothes B.close C.clean ( )4.A.clock B.cloudy C.clever ( )5.A.please B.player C.eggplant 二、选词填空(每词限用一次)。 clean, play, clothes, plate, cloudy 1. I often wash my _____on the weekend. 2. Put the _____in the fridge. 3. It's cool and _____ today. 4. Let's_____the classroom. 5. Robin is in a _____. He is Robinson. 三、读歌谣,找出含有/pl/和/kl/读音的单词。 It’s 4 o’clock. Don’t play. Please clean your plate. Have some eggplants. Have some grapes. You’re so clever. You’re great! cl_____.pl_____. 参考答案 一、 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 二、 1.clothes 2.plate 3.cloudy 4.clean 5.play 三、 Cl:o’clock clean clever Pl:play please plate eggplants 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(课件网) 人教PEP五年级下册 t S p e l l s L e Unit1 My day ‘ cl pl >>Let's chant说出每个字母自然拼读发音 看谁能说出含C和l的单词多,不能重复 like can crayon coke low cat car long cap light >>Lead in l/l/ c/k/ cl发什么音? What time is it? It's 8 o'clock. clock It's time for English class. In the class,I am clever. clever Class is over. Let's clean the classroom. clean Can you find?都含有哪个音 clean clock class clever cl--/kl/ 当cl在单词开头时,一般读[kl] 发音固定,总是发/kl/,拼读/kl/组合时,先拼读/l/与后面元音的发音,再连上/k/。 c l 由/k/向/l/滑动, 前轻读,后重读。 >>Summary c p u r a d s e o o a e >>Try to read l Let's play a game. play Please. Guess:What's this? plate Guess:What's on the plate? eggplant Can you find?都含有哪个音 play please plate eggplant pl--/pl/ 发音固定,总是发/pl/,拼读/pl/组合时,先拼读/l/与后面元音的发音,再连上/p/。 p l 由/p/向/l/滑动, 前轻读,后重读。 小结 p o a u n s a c e a e >>Try to read l t n t >> Read,listen and chant >>Let's chant It's your turn Please clean your plate. No more eggplants. No more peas. So clean your plate. Please,please,please. 大小声游戏 含有cl大声读pl小声读 clock play please class clever plate eggplant clean >>传话游戏 规则:从cl/kl单词任选一个进行传递,最后一名同学说正确就胜利。 Game: Find the right tree. class play uncle clothes play clock plus clean people clear /cl/ /pl/ Bingo:1、同学A随机说出表格内的五个单词,同学B根据自己所听到的内容在表格内圈出同学A刚才所说五个单词,若其中有三各单词可以连成一条线(横线、竖线、斜线),同学B则喊出“bingo”并胜利。 eggplant plate play please class people clock clean clever Class, clock, plate, eggplant, clean, play. Bingo. >>Bingo game class cloud clock please clothes clock people clever plate class clock plate please eggplant clean play people clock clever clothes Bingo! >>Choose, write and say 1. Clean the plate/classroom/room , please. 2. Put two eggplants/clocks/plates in the playground. Clean the plate, please. Put two plates in the play ... ...

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