
Module1 Unit 1 Seeing and hearing Period 3课件(15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:2752495Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Oxford English Book 3B Period 3 Unit 1 Seeing and hearing Module 1 Using my five senses Pre-task preparations While-task procedures Post-task activities Assignment 2、用情态动词can,和can’t,表达在具体的情境中看到或者听到,不能看到或者听到的内容,如: I can hear some children. I can’t see them. 1、掌握ch在单词中的正确发音,如:chick,chair 教学目标: 3、分角色表演say and act的内容 Say and act Learn the sound (SB: P4&5 WB: P4&6) I hear raindrops I hear raindrops. I hear raindrops Falling down, Falling down. Pitter-patter raindrops, Pitter-patter raindrops Falling down, Falling down. Listen and enjoy I see green. I see yellow. I see blue. I see purple. I see the beautiful rainbow, Shining over there, Outside my window. Listen and enjoy a park a street a zoo a farm What can you see? What colour is it/are they? What can you hear? Let's talk S1: What can you see? S2: I can see a toy ship. S1: Tweet…Tweet…What can you hear? S2: I can hear a bird. Ask and answer By the window How many birds can you see? Two birds. What can the baby bird see? It can see some children. Can the ladybird see some children? No, it can’t. It can’t see them, but it can hear them. What can the ladybird see now? It can see a toy car and a toy ship. Say and act Mother bird: What can you see? Baby bird: Mother bird: Baby bird: Ladybird: Ladybird: Mother bird: Ladybird: Mother bird: What can you see? Baby bird: I can see some children. Mother bird: How many? Baby bird: Three. A boy and two girls. Ladybird: I can’t see them, but I can hear them. Ladybird: Now I can see. Mother bird: What can you see? Ladybird: I can see a toy car and a toy ship.  Role-play ch- ch- ch- Learn the sound Look,read and circle Look, read and complete On my way to school S1: What can you see? S2: I can see ... S1: What can you hear? S1: I can hear ... Circle, ask and answer On my way to school On my way to school I can see_____. I can hear _____. Think and write 听读p4-5五遍。 Say and act 小组进行角色扮演。 Assignment

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