
Unit1 My school B Let's learn 公开课课件+教案+练习+音视频素材(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:66次 大小:26367359Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 PEP人教版四年级英语(下)第1单元第5课时 课题 Unit1 My school B Let’s learn 单元 Unit1 学科 英语 年级 四下 学习目标 1.能够听,说,认读单词及词组:computer room ; art room ;music room ;playground。2.能听懂,会说句子:Do you have a music room? Yes, we do. It’s on the first floor.3.能够灵活运用Let’s learn 板块的句型进行交流。4.培养孩子们小组合作的精神。 重点 能够在语境中正确运用Let’s learn 中的词组及单词,来描述学校的教室及场馆的大致位置。 难点 正确的使用冠词 an 和a 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warm-up Free talkT:Hello boys and girls.Welcome back to school.师生自由交际Sharp eyesLet's doGo to the library. Read a book.Go to the teachers' office. Say hello.... 打招呼,快速说单词边唱边做动作 此活动通过游戏活动不仅重温了新知更增加了课堂的趣味性。 Ⅱ.Presentation What rooms can you see?整体感知本课词组computer room ; art room ;music room ;playground。教学computer roomLet's guessThere are some computers in it. Where is it?教读computer roomAsk and answer--Do you have a computer room?--Yes, we do.--Where is it?--It's on the second floor.4.教学music roomLet's guessWe can sing songs in it. Where is it?教读music room5.Ask and answer--Do you have a music room?--Yes, we do.--Where is it?--It's on the second floor.6.教学art roomLet's guessWe can draw pictures in it. Where is it?教读art room7.Ask and answer--Do you have an art room?--Yes, we do.--Where is it?--It's on the second floor.9.教学gymLet's guessWe can play balls in it. Where is it?教读gym10.Ask and answer--Do you have a gym?--Yes, we do.--Where is it?--It's on the second floor.11.教学playgroundLet's guessWe can play football on it. Where is it?教读playground 听场所描述并猜测问答练习看图说一说 听音模仿,句型中操练,词不离句。此活动通过问答练习,加强了对新知的理解,培养了学生的想象力、创造力和表现力。 Ⅲ. Practice 1.Listen and imitate听音正音,注意模仿正确的语音语调。Read in groups3.What's missing4.Let's chant5.Look,ask and answer6.Pair work--Do you have a/an ____?--Yes, we do. /No, we don't. It's on the _____ floor. 跟读录音。模仿语音语调,看图说句子 跟读可以保证学生接触原汁原味的语言材料,保证他们语言输入的准确及正确。 Ⅳ.Production Wu Yifan's schoolHi! This is my school. We have a computer room. It's on the second floor. We have a music room. It's on the first floor.We have a playground. We can play football on it.I love my school.2.Introduce your schoolHi! This is my school. We have a/an _____. It's on the ____ floor. We can......I love my school.2.德育渗透Love our school!Love our school life! 读吴亦凡的学校介绍谈论自己的学校 这为学生提供了一个相对真实的语境来使用语言,帮助他们更好地掌握语言,提高自己的口语表达能力。 Ⅴ.Progress 总结What have we learned today?2、Homework:1. Listen and read the words. (听读单词3遍,读熟练。) 2. Draw your school and describe it.(设计自己的学校并描述它。) 3. Make a new dialogue. (编一个新的对话) 板书设计 Unit 1 My school B Let's learn computer room art room music room gym playground Do you have a music room?Yes, we ... ...

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