
Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading课件+教案(48张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:17次 大小:5385706Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 2021年春牛津译林版英语八年级下册精品课件 学 习 目 标 掌握本课节新单词及短语:expect, chance, similar, necessary, training, task, coach, gold, silver, background, closely, achieve, prize, give up。 1 3 学习并能运用与运动、比赛有关的词汇。 读懂文章,了解有关特奥会的知识及志愿者的经历。 2 4 培养学生积极参加社会公益活动,尽自己所能帮助他人的意识。 What can we do for these people? a person with physical (身体) disabilities Pre-reading a person with intellectual (智力) disabilities But, They all do a good job in their fields. 课 堂 学 习 The Special Olympics World Games The Special Olympics Slogan(口号): I know I can. The events are similar to those in the Olympics Volunteers from different backgrounds Not to win a gold or silver ,but to take part provide support for... do the tasks Watch the video Task1. Skim the report and finish the task. While-reading Main points 1.An introduction to the Special Olympics World Games. 3. Liu Ming’s feeling about the event 2. Liu Ming’s experience 4. What volunteers do for the event Here are the main points of the paragraphs in the report. Help Simon fill in the blanks with the correct numbers of the paragraphs. Paragraphs _____ _____ _____ _____ 2 4 1,5 3 Task2. Scan the report and answer the questions. 1. Who is the main character in the report? 2. What are they? Liu Ming and Li Hai. Liu Ming Li Hai Li Hai is an athlete with intellectual disabilities. Liu Ming is a volunteer.. Further reading Task1. Read Para. 1 together and then fill in blanks. Before Now Liu Ming didn’t know _____ when he volunteered for the _____ _____ , in Shanghai, back in October 2007. He thinks it was_____ _____ of his life. “ _____ _____” he says. but what to expect World Games Special Olympics most amazing experience the volunteer ! It’s fantastic to work as a Why did he think the experience was the most amazing one? A.He found a way to spend his spare time. B.He thinks he did a lot of meaningful things to help the people with intellectual disabilities. C.He could get a lot of things from volunteers. D.He could make a lot of money. Choose right answer. Task2. Read Para. 2 carefully by yourselves and try to answer the following questions (1) What are the Special Olympics World Games for? (2) Are the events in the Special World Games similar to those in the Olympics? The Special Olympics World Games give the children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world. Yes , they are. They can do a lot of things like us. Relax at the centre Watch the games all the time Provide support for the athletes Do the tasks Enjoy themselves there Receive training Receive training Do the tasks Provide support for the athletes Task3. Listen to Para 3 and then choose the activities. What volunteers do for the event Make the event a great success Make the event a great success Task4. Read para. 4 in groups, then have an i ... ...

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