
Unit 1 How tall are you Part B Let's talk 公开课精美课件27张PPT+教案+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:91次 大小:25268937Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 How tall are you? Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk PEP·六年级下册 每日谜语 What fruit is never found singly? 英语脑筋急转弯 pear (pair一双) . 一决高下 I’m ____ than you. My … is/are ____than your … Your … is/are ____ than mine. Let’s review I’m 1.65 metres. It’s taller than both of us together Maybe 4 metres. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 抢读句子,比比谁最快 Lead in Who are they ? What are they going to do? GO! Let’s try Mike and Wu Yifan are talking about the weekend. Listen and circle. What do Wu Yifan and Mike want to do first? A. Go hiking. B. Go shopping. 2.What are they going to buy? A. Hiking clothes and shoes. B. Magazines. Let’s talk Listen and answer 2.How heavy is Wu Yifan? 1.What size are Wu Yifan’s shoes? Size 7 He is 46 kilograms ( ) Mike wears size 38 shoes. ( ) Wu Yifan wears size 37. ( ) Wu Yifan's feet are bigger than Mike's. Listen and judge . √ √ × Mike: Those shoes in the window are nice! Let’s have a look. Wu Yifan: _____, Mike? Mike: Size 7. Wu Yifan: Size 7? That’s so small. Mike: In China I wear size 38 shoes. Wu Yifan: Oh! _____. My shoes are size 37. Mike: Really? You look taller than me. Wu Yifan: But I think you are heavier. _____ Mike: I’m 48 kilograms. Wu Yifan: Yes, you’re _____ . I’m 46 kilograms. What size are your shoes Your feet are bigger than mine How heavy are you? heavier 重点句型解析: Those shoes in the window are nice! 橱窗里的那些鞋子真漂亮! In China I wear size 38 shoes. 在中国我穿38号鞋子。 句型结构: 问:What size is/are 衣服/鞋帽 答:1.Size+数字 2. I wear size+数字 3.My+衣服/鞋帽+is/are size+数字 Mike: Wu Yifan: Mike: Wu Yifan: Mike: Those shoes in the window are nice! Let’s have a look. What size are your shoes, Mike? Size 7. Size 7? That’s so small. In China I wear size 40 shoes. 角色扮演 Wu Yifan: Mike: Wu Yifan: Mike: Wu Yifan: Oh! Your feet are bigger than mine.My shoes are size 37. Really? You look taller than me. But I think you are heavier. How heavy are you? I’m 48 kilograms. Yes, you’re heavier. I’m 46 kilograms. Zhang Peng John Size ___ Size ___ Whose shoes are bigger? 36 38 比大小 Wu Yifan Mike _____ kilograms _____ kilograms Who is heavier? 48 46 What size are your shoes? My shoes are size _____. Whose shoes are bigger? 和同桌比一比 How heavy are you? Who is heavier than you? 体重大调查: 我来考考你 1. — are your feet? —I wear size 36 shoes. A. How heavy B. How size C.What size 一、单项选择。 2.Jhon's feet are than me. . A. bigger B. biger C. big 二、选词填空。 1. He is 14 years _____. (old, older). 2. I am _____ (heavy, heavier) than Mike. 3. My _____ (foot, feet) are bigger than my sister's feet. old heavier feet 三、判断正(√)误(×)。 ( ) 1.The red apple is smaller than the green orange. ( ) 2. The tiger is heavier than the cat √ √ What did we learn? Homework 1.熟读对话内容。 2.同桌之间表演对话。 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料? ... ...

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