
浙江省宁波市海曙区2019-2020学年第一学期三年级英语期末试题 (PDF版含答案,含听力原文,无音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:18次 大小:15692032Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Milk 2019年秋季海曙区三年级期未测试卷 英语(PEP)·三年级·上册 时间:60分钟 题号 四 六七 八 总分 得分 Writing part((笔试部分)60分 Listening part(听力部分)40分 四、 Think and write.(按顺序默写字母表,大小写。)5分 N Listen and circle.(听一听,圈出单词的首字母。)20分 五、 Read and choose.(读一读,选出不同类的单词。)5分 b d C 1.A. four B foot C. fi )2. A milk B juice monkey D. water ( )3. A book C. bear D. tiger )4.A. hand B head C. bread ear d n m g q p )5.A. ruler yellow D. white Listen and choose.(听一听,选出你所听到的单词。)10分 六、 Read and choose.(选择填空。)10分 A hand ead C. bird ()1.I’ d like some Aegg B. bread )3. A. eraser B ruler C. tiger )2. Can I have milk? ()4.A.fo B. five C. fish A. some B C. an )5. A bag B dog pig )3. Look my lovely dog Tick or cross.(判断你所听到的内容与图片表达的意思是否相同,是打“√”,否 A at 打“×”。)10分 )4. How many on the cake? A candle a candle candles A. paints B paint to paint a duck dian. He is ten, too. He likes basketball. He often plays basketball. Tom and ave as Jimmy are good friends. They are at No 1 Primary Schoo )7.-I like green )I. There are new students in our class too A. fo B two C. th B Me C. He )2. The new students are () 8.Here are A. twins B. sisters C. friends you am often looks after his sister )9. Yangyang: Can I have ice cream, please? A. Tom B. Jimmy C. Tim Longlong Sure. Here you are. )4. Jimmy likes playing C A. football B. basketball some C ping-pong )10. How many pencils do you have? om an d jimmy are both A. students B. teachers C. twins A Nine Fine, thank you. C.I am nine 七、 Look and choose.(读句子,选择正确的答句。)20分 Read and write.(根据文章内容,选词填空) 1. How are you? A. Five My pencil box )2. How old are you? B. Nice to meet you I have a pencil box. It's blue. There are lots of things in it. I have a pen. Its )3. This is Wu Yifan C. My name's Zoom red and nice. I like it. I have three pencils. They are long I have a ruler. It's 4.What’ s your name? D. Fine, thank you green. I have a rubber. It's small. I like my pencil case. )5. How many plates E. OK )6. Happy birthday F. Here you are i long green blue red three nice )7. Can I have some water, please G. Thank you 1. i have a pencil box ) 8. Colour it brown H. Great )9.Iet’ s make a puppet I.It’ s a duck 2. The pen is and ()10.What’ s this? J. I'm nine 3.i have pencils 八、 Read and choose.(根据文章内容,选择最佳答案。)20分 4. The pencils are We have two new students in our class. They are Tom and Jimmy. Tom is 5. The ruler is American. He is ten. He has a sister. He often looks after her. Jimmy is Cana

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