
Module 1 Unit 1 It's the ABC Song教案

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:92次 大小:184315Byte 来源:二一课件通
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三年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC song. 一、教学目标(Teaching aims) (一)知识目标(Knowledge aims) 1. 学生能够听、说、认、读26个英文字母,学会字母歌。 2. 学生能够听懂、会读单词song,favourite和TV。 3. 听懂并运用“-What's your favourite song? - It’s ...以及Thank you to...”。 (二)能力目标(Ability aim) 1. 会唱英文字母歌 2. 能听懂并运用“-What's your favourite song? - It’s ...”的句型来谈论自己和别人的喜好。 情感目标(Emotion aim) 培养学生大胆说英语以及唱英语歌曲的能力。 教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties) 教学重点: 1. 学生能够听、说、认、读26个英文字母,学会字母歌。 2. 学生能够听懂、会读单词song,favourite和TV。 3. 听懂并运用“-What's your favourite song? -It’s ...”。 教学难点: 单词favourite读音 灵活运用句型“-What's your favourite song? -It’s ...”。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation) 1. 课件 2. 打印ABC song. 四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up Greetings。 Sing a song.<> Lead in T: What a beautiful song! Lingling likes singing. She sang a song on School TV.And she won a prize. (活动内容和设计意图: 利用欢快的歌曲吸引学生的眼球,并为学习本单元的重点做铺垫。) Step 2:Presentation Learn the words“song and TV”. Song: 升调,降调分别领读三遍,挑五个学生单读,纠音 TV: 带动作领读三遍,引出词组:School TV, 领读三遍 Learn the sentences: Thank you to my school/my teachers/School TV. T: Lingling won a prize. What did she say? Let’s watch the video and find the answer. 句型:Thank you to my school/my teachers/School TV. 老师用发表获奖感言的语调,领读三遍 找2位学生有感情表演。 拓展: T: I want to say: Thank you to my mother/father. What about you? You want to say “thank you to...”. 找三位同学发表感谢致辞。 Learn the word “favourite” and the sentences“-What’s your favourite song? -It’s...” T: I like singing too. My favourite song is <>.(老师演唱两句)。 favourite: 机器人慢动作领读三遍,加快动作领读三遍,挑五个学生单读,纠音,最后read two by two. T: What’s your favourite song? Ss: It’s … 先领读句子“What’s your favourite song?”三遍,大组PK读三遍。再提问学生。学生可能只会回答出歌曲名字,引导学生用句型“It’s…回答” Group work: 小组内练习句型 -What’s your favourite song? -It’s… 4. Learn 26 letters and the ABC song. T: Ms Smart likes singing too. What’s Ms. Smart’s favourite song? Let’s watch the video and find the answer. 听录音,回答问题。 T: Now listen, point and follow. 听录音,指读(唱)。 Step 3: Practise & Consolidation 练习认读26个英文字母。 Game 1 Letters train. Drive the letters train from A to Z. Game 2 Which letters are missing? 挖空练习,增强学生对字母左邻右舍的记忆。 Game 3 Which letters can you find? 加大难度,帮助学生记忆字母形状。 字母拓展:Do you know these letters? 联系实际,让学生知道生活中部分英语字母组合的特殊含义。 Step 4: Summary Let’s sing and summarize: Role play & sing the ABC song. Step5: Homework 1.Sing the ABC song after class. 2.Make a survey in our class with the sentences: - What’s your favourite song? - It’s … 板书设计 Module 1 Unit 1 It's the ABC son ... ...

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