
M2 Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England. 24张PPT+学习单(不含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:80次 大小:50116565Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England. hi/ll po/pu/la/tion wi/de mi/ll/ion p/re/tty th/an ge/t nor/th sou/th we/s/t e/s/pe/cia/lly u/ni/ver/si/ty i/s/lan/d a/re/a l/ow mou/n/tain coun/try/si/de um/b/re/lla Your home town 1.location 2.population 4.history 3.size 5.famous places 6.famous food 7.weather 1.Location Cambridge is in the ___ of _____ . England east Cambridge is 80 _____ from London. kilometres west north east south NW NE SW SE northwest northeast southwest southeast 2.Population Cambridge has a _____ of about 120 _____ . population The _____ of Shenzhen is about 120 _____ . What's the _____ of Cambridge? population population thousand thousand 120,000 3.Size 40.7 km2 Cambridge is 40.7 square _____ . kilometres 4.History old It's an_____city.In fact,it is over 2000 years old. It's getting more and more _____ . famous University of Cambridge 5.Famous places It is especially _____ for University of Cambridge. famous Many _____ people studied here,such as Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. famous 6.Famous food There are lots of delicious food in Cambridge,such as _____ and English Tea. Fish and Chips 7.Weather 夏季温和多雨 冬季温和多雨 The weather here is_____and _____ in _____ and _____ and _____ in _____ . mild rainy summer mild rainy winter You need to bring an _____ most days . umbrella 1.Location London is in the ___ of _____ . England south 2.Population London has a _____ of about seven and a half _____ . population The _____ of London is about seven and a half _____ . What's the _____ of London? population population million thousand 7,500,000 3.Size London is 1577 square _____ . kilometres 4.History old It's an_____city.In fact,it is over 2000 years old. It's _____ for Big Ben,Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. famous 5.Famous places It is especially _____ for Big Ben,Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. famous 5.Famous sights It is _____ for Diwang Tower. famous It's _____ than many other _____ in Shenzhen. taller buildings 6.Famous food There are lots of delicious food in London,such as _____ . English Ice Cream 7.Weather 夏季温和多雨 冬季温和多雨 The weather here is_____and _____ in _____ and _____ and _____ in _____ . mild rainy summer mild rainy winter 1. short — _____ 2. thin — _____ 3. early — _____ 4. red — _____ 5. fine — _____ 6. fat — _____ shorter thinner earlier redder finer fatter I.写出下列形容词的比较级 7. cool — _____ 8. big — _____ 9. wet — _____ 10. dry — _____ cooler bigger wetter drier I.写出下列形容词的比较级 East or west,home is the best.姓名 M2U2 My home town and my country P12-P13 Part1听力部分 Cambridge Location In the 1._____ of England Population 2._____ Famous places 3._____,buildings and churches River 4._____ A.east B.south C.west D.north A.120,000 B.130,000 C.200,000 D.150,000 A.stores B.libraries C.universities D.parks A.River Thames B.River Cam C.River Rhine D.River Mis ... ...

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