
nit 1 Can you play the guitar? Period 4 Writing(Section B 3a-3b)堂强化训练课件(30张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:868148Byte 来源:二一课件通
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UNIT 1 Can you play theguitar?   Period 4 Writing(Section B 3a-3b) D A B A C D D B C A Can your father drive? I can't play the piano or the guitar. What club does Mary want to join? Do you have free time on the weekend/on weekends? I want to learn English well. piano because school an at likes music be good them Five./5./There are five instruments mentioned in the ad. No, she can't. 30 dollars./$30./It's 30 dollars. It's 234-4543. Mrs.White./I can call Mrs.White for help. 应用文 第一、第二人称 一般现在时 School Art Center help with the art training draw or dance play the drums or the guitar playing the piano come to our art center and talk to Ms. White on Wednesday morning.Or you can call Ms. White at 345-2987

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