
【口试+笔试】Unit 2 My favourite season PB Let's talk练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:40次 大小:1471000Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【本套同步练习包含口语练习和笔试练习两部分, 学习英语,英语口语的位置十分重要, 包括现在的很多重要考试都开始重视英语的听说能力, 大胆开口说英语, 告别哑巴英语】 Unit 2 My favourite season PB Let's talk同步练习 笔试训练 选出不同类的一项。 (  ) 1. A. spring B. season C. winter (  ) 2. A. warm B. sunny C. flowers (  ) 3. A. pretty B. vacation C. beautiful (  ) 4. A. pick B. make C. picnic (  ) 5. A. summer B. autumn C. snowman 根据语义和首字母提示完成句子。 1. I can m_____a snowman. 2. We often help the farmers p_____ pears in the farm. 3. There are four s_____ in a year. 4. The c_____ are very beautiful in autumn. 5. We can go s_____every day. 选择合适的答句。 (??)1. What?is your favourite drink? (??)2. What's?the?weather?like?in?autumn? (??)3. What do you do on the weekend?? (??)4. Which?season?do?you?like?best?? (??)5. Why do you like winter? A.It's?cool?and?windy. B.Summer.? C.Tea.? D.Because I like snow. E.I often go swimming. 选择题. (  ) 1. I want to go swimming _____my friends. of B. with C. to (  )2. ____ do you like autumn? A. What  B. Why  C. Where (  )3. -_____book do you like best?? - The first one. A. Which  B. What  C.Where (  )4. -I get a full mark in Chinese exam. -_____. Goodbye B. Good job. C. Good done. (  )5. Why? ____I like to make a snowman. So B. If C. Because 按要求完成句子。 do, like, which, you, best, season, (?) 连词成句 _____ like, vocation, because, I, summer,(.) 连词成句 _____ 秋天颜色很漂亮。(翻译句子) _____ 阅读理解, 选择正确的答案。 There are four seasons in a year. The first season in a year is spring. In spring, it's warm and windy. I can plant trees and fly kites. Summer is hot and rainy in China, I often go swimming. Fall is a golden season. I can pick fresh apples. I like fall best, because I like National Day and Mid-Autumn Day very much. Winter is the last season in a year. It often snows in winter.I can go outside and play in the snow with my friends. Which season do you like best? ( ) 1. Fall is the second season in a year. ( ) 2. Spring is warm and windy. ( ) 3. I can pick fresh apples in fall. ( ) 4. I like winter best. ( ) 5.The last season is fall. 口语训练 选择并问答。 Which season do you like best? I like ...best. 运用所学句型和下列短语, 说说自己喜欢的季节。 I like ...best. In ... I can ... I like ... ... 调查3个人喜欢的季节和原因, 并做好记录。 Name Favourite season why A: Which season do you like best? B: I... A: Why? B: Because... 参考答案 BCBCC 1. make 2. pick 3. seasons 4. colours 5. swimming CAEBD BBABC Which season do you like best? Because I like summer vacation. The colours are pretty in autumn. ×√√×× 口语略 口语略 口语略 _21?????????è?????(www.21cnjy.com)_ ... ...

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