

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:44次 大小:60697Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2020年中考真题 V.完形填空.(15分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. 27.(15分)Last Saturday, Du Juan came to a park with her red chair and tools as usual. She put a sign saying"(1)   Haircuts" on the ground. Then a man, about 60 years old, came and sat down. Du Juan took the(2)   in her hands and began to work. They talked(3)   like old friends. Du Juan spoke of some funny things in her life. The old man(4)   his old days and shared his present life with her, He said that he was going to(5)   his son's graduation ceremony the next Tuesday. Twenty minutes later, "OK, done," said Du Juan.The old man looked at(6)   in a mirror."I look good. Thank you!" he said. So far Du Juan has(7)   30 such free haircuts to people around the city. All began because of an illness. It made her ever thick hair (8)   terribly. After that, she didn't dare to have her hair cut until a professional barber (理发师) appeared. "He talked with me and didn't regard me (9)   a patient. I felt cared about and less(10)   . He changed my appearance and more importantly, he changed me," Du Juan said. "I learned the haircut(11)   and later became a barber. I enjoyed(12)   to people's stories of sadness and happiness," she added. During her spare time, she not only gave people free haircuts,(13)   also made them feel the way she'd felt that day. In 2018, she(14)   the Red Chair Project to help more people."I can't fix their problems, but I can help them feel less alone for a moment," she said. Du Juan believes simple acts of(15)   , such as a free haircut, can make a difference."The way you show up in the world is important," she said. (1)A. Free B. Cheap C. Expensive D. Strange (2)A. notebooks B. phones C. keys D. tools (3)A. angrily B. happily C. nervously D. painfully (4)A. spent B. recalled C. wasted D. changed (5)A. excuse B. cancel C. attend D. order (6)A. himself B. herself C. yourself D. myself (7)A. given B. taught C. told D. lent (8)A. long B. black C. thin D. curly (9)A. to B. for C. with D. as (10)A. excited B. alone C. friendly D. humorous (11)A. skills B. goals C. reasons D. signs (12)A. writing B. listening C. turning D. getting (13)A. but B. or C. nor D. so (14)A. woke up B. cut up C. set up D. dressed up (15)A. luck B. fairness C. interest D. kindness 2019年中考真题 完形填空。 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 My uncle Meyer is not a famous person but has done a lot of great things in his life. He is a ___31___ who has been teaching languages and history at a college in the past 45 years. He has ___32___ some young people to love languages. He often ___33___ letters and e-mails from students who studied with him years ago. Many of them finished ___34___ and then had their own jobs and families. They tell h ... ...

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