

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:98次 大小:78627Byte 来源:二一课件通
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清华版一年级英语上册全册教案 Unit 1 Parts of my body Lesson 1 This is the first lesson in this unit. The emphasis will be on the use of English to represent the five senses. The motivation for first-year students to learn comes from interesting teaching content and an attractive form of activity. 【知识目标】 Key vocabulary: nose, ear, touch Key structures: Hello / Hi Touch your nose Touch your ear/ears. 【能力目标】 1. Know the function of the five officials, can express in English correctly.To give a brief self-introduction concerning name, age and hometown. 2. Learn basic greetings. 【情感目标】 To motivate the students and greet them in English. 【 教学重点 】 1. Understand, speak, and recognize the two words in your body: nose, ear. 2. Understand the plural form of a noun. 【 教学难点 】 The plural meaning and form of a noun are not easy to understand. Tape recorder, Multimedia Step 1. Warm-up Teachers stand on the platform to create real communication situations. Kindly say hello to the students. Walk up to the students and lead the students to say hello. Step 2. Listen, look, and says 1. Show the students nose, ear, ears, according to the recording and pictures. 2. The teacher refers to his five officials, and the students speak English. Step 3. Do it 1.Through the instruction of the teacher. Use imperative sentences: touch your nose. 2. Let the students learn to do. 3. Learning to touch Step 4. Listen and check Put an audio clip, and let the students do the selection. Step 5. L isten to do Read music, lead the students to sing, and start pointing out the appropriate parts. Step 6. Language points nose ear ears touch your nose 略。 Unit 1 Parts of my body Lesson 2 This is the second lesson in this unit. Through the study of lesson, students already have a sense of English. The main learning in the textbook is the action of the eye and the action of the book. Better to express organs in English. 【知识目标】 Key vocabulary: eye eyes book books close open read Key structures: Close your eyes Open your eyes Read the book 【能力目标】 1. Understand the plural forms of eyes and books. 2. Learn to perform actions according to instructions. 【情感目标】 Learn to respect others when we talk with others. Learn how to understand English. 【 教学重点 】 Understand, say, and recognize the one word eye that represents the body's organs. Contact and understand 3 English words: close, open, read Learn the three imperative sentences of the command. 【 教学难点 】 Understand the plural and imitate it correctly. Tape recorder, Multimedia Step 1. Review to consolidate Teachers and students greet each other with hello. Learn good English in the morning or good evening. A group of two people use the imperative sentence: "touch... "Send instructions and actions to each other, while consolidating the words" nose, ears, ears, etc." Step 2. Listen look and say. 1. The teacher drew an eye on the blackboard and said, "Oh,no. It's not nose". The students who know it ... ...

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