
Module 3 Unit5 Save the endangered animals Period 2 Reading II & listening 课件26张PPT+教案+导学案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:100次 大小:35868272Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module3 Unit5 Save the endangered animals Reading II & Listening导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Module3 Unit5 Save the endangered animalsReading II & Listening 学习目标与核心素养 知识目标:1.进一步理解课文,掌握主篇章的关键信息。认读和理解单词organization和短语close to.能力目标:巩固根据所听语段的内容获取和记录关键信息的听力技能。 核心素养:了解World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF),进一步树立和保护濒危动物的意识。 学习重点 巩固根据所听语段的内容获取和记录关键信息的听力技能。 学习难点 记录关键信息。 阅读教材第70页Listening 部分的内容,了解听前预测技巧。 探究点一: 完成comprehension--D1 (P69) 探究点二: 仔细观察70页A部分图片,写出每个图片动物的英文名称。 探究点三: 仔细阅读浏览70页B部分内容,找出下列短语。 1.世界基金会 2.照顾 3.濒危动物 4.接近 5.五百万 6.数千的 7.砍伐 一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 1. The teacher asked us to collect some information about pandas and make a fact f_____ . 2. It’s our duty to protect the w_____ animals in nature. 3. Your child should be with an a_____ in the park. 4. Don’t lose your heart and f_____ the difficulty bravely. 5. The coat made of animal f_____ is very warm and expensive. 6. The woman suffers from serious illness, but she gives b_____ to a lovely baby. 7. It’s c_____ to kill animals. Their lives are as important as human beings. 8. Many wild animals are in d_____ of extinction (灭绝). 9. The traffic is convenient in the c_____ area of the city. 10. He turned and looked over his s_____ but there was nothing behind him. 二、阅读理解。 A It is our duty as humans to take care of the Earth, and that means we need to protect endangered animals. However, this cannot be done unless people know how to help protect endangered animals. Join an Animal Rights Organization There are many animal rights organizations that do good things. Focus on organizations that always do good work. Joining these organizations is easy if they do not have any members. These organizations often do work by making people volunteer or sign petitions(请愿).Now many petitions are signed online, and they only need an e-mail address and an Internet connection. Donate to Nature Organizations If you don’t want to join an organization, choose an organization or a few organizations and donate money to them. Good organizations will put the money to good use and help to protect endangered animals. Don’t Buy Products Made From Animals It is understandable that some animals are raised for food, and other parts of them are used for other products. These products are okay to buy. However, do not buy products like fur coats because the animals are killed only for their fur. We can buy synthetic(人造的)products instead of animal products. ( )1.What is the passage mainly about? A.How to look after the Earth. B.How to join the animal rights organizations. C.How to protect endangered animals. D.How to donate to nature organizations. ( )2.If you want to join the animal rights organizations ... ...

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