
【口试+笔试】Unit 2 My favourite season PB Read and write练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:79次 大小:1566802Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【本套同步练习包含口语练习和笔试练习两部分, 学习英语,英语口语的位置十分重要, 包括现在的很多重要考试都开始重视英语的听说能力, 大胆开口说英语, 告别哑巴英语】 Unit 2 My favourite season PB Read and write同步练习 笔试训练 选词补全短语。 why which what where when -_____ do you like spring? -Because it's pretty. -_____do you eat lunch? -At twelve o’clock. -_____ is my hat? - It’s under your bag. -_____ is in the classroom? -Many desks and chairs. -_____season do you like best? -Autumn. 根据语义和首字母提示完成句子。 I often go s_____ in summer. We can p_____ pears in the farm. There are beautiful flowers e_____ in spring . Many girls like the colour p_____. I like them a_____. Do you want to p_____ a picture? Look. What a l_____ cat! 选择题. ( )1. I like autumn ____the colours are pretty. A.but B.or C.because ( )2. I like listening to music ____ I can’t sing.?? A.but B.so C.and ( )3. The third season of the year is _____. A. spring B. summer C. fall ( )4. There_____ lots of snow. is B. are C. / ( )5.What nice _____! A.skirt B. hat C. shoes 按要求完成句子。 a, I, paint, to, picture, want, (.) 连词成句 _____ snow, there, everywhere, is, white, (.) 连词成句 _____ I like summer. I can’t swim.(连成一句话) _____ 多么高的一颗树啊!(翻译句子) _____ 选择合适的句子补全对话。 Sarah: I have a new friend. Her name is Lily. John: Really? 1. _____ Sarah: She likes spring best. John: 2. _____ Sarah: Because there are lots of beautiful flowers. John: 3. _____ Sarah: It's warm. John: 4. _____ Sarah: She often plants flowers. John: 5. _____ Sarah: She is in the classroom A. Why?  B. What's her favourite season? C. Where is she now? D. What's the weather like in spring? E. What does she often do in spring? 口语训练 快速说出下列单词并造句。 all, all 全部I like all the seasons. ...可爱的 ... 如果你是Robin, 看图片尝试给我们描述一下四个季节吧。 The weather is warm. And there are beautiful flowers everywhere. ... 在左边画出你最喜欢的季节, 右边画出你喜欢做的活动,然后跟你的同学分享吧。 I like ...very much. Because... 参考答案 1. Why 2. When 3. Where 4. What 5. Which 1. swimming 2. pick 3. everywhere 4. pink 5. all 6. paint 7. lovely CACAC I want to paint a picture . There is white snow everywhere. I like summer but I can’t swim. What a tall tree! BADEC 口语略 口语略 口语略 _21?????????è?????(www.21cnjy.com)_

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